Page 2 - Dont worry no audio
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(my comment) note reference to “savings made” - begs the
question for what? But none was received.
This has been accomplished by Management doing various workings which could be done at a more economical cost (AS ON AUDIO) (in brief, shop signage (COSTED (Contingency) BY A.R. LAWRENCE FOR £800 plus vat which Management have produced for £125.......and tidying up visible wiring and making Meter Cupboards which A.R.Lawrence costed at £922 plus Vat for 3 meter cupboards and Management have produced same for £648 incl vat but TO ALSO INCLUDE BOXING IN THE (some) LOOSE INTERNAL WIRING on all three floors).
This initial saving of £1177.56 will not however be reimbursed to lessees at the end of the works (AS ON AUDIO), as Management will utilise this first of many savings, to progress works on the interior NOT included in the Surveyor's Specifications (such as the lift workings)(AS ON AUDIO).(my comment) note reference to “savings made, to be used to progress works on the interior NOT included in the Surveyor's Specifications (AS ON AUDIO)(such as the lift workings - note please, “such as”)” - begs the question of ”who wanted the lift etc?” But none was received.
In brief, Management are attempting, and will succeed, in presenting the interior decor of Mitre House to a standard not even envisaged by most lessees, at no additional cost to lessees over and above the agreed £105,019 budget (AS ON AUDIO). This will be achieved by making small savings where possible, common sense, hard work and a great deal of thought. (AS ON AUDIO)
It appears, leaving aside for one moment my alleged forgery skills, that I’m being blamed for not having simply reminded Mrs Hillgarth of what she actually said at our Board Meeting on 23 May 2014.
If by now you have not realised that this whole affair revolves around our (my) insistence that Mrs Hillgarth denies receiving documents, denies information supplied, denies conversations in or around my flat, all of which thankfully I have supplied you with hard copy evidence to support my evidence that she had or she said or she did, just exactly what chance would we (me) have in telling her that she said this or that at our Board Meeting UNLESS I COULD DO SAME & PRODUCE THE EVIDENCE - which regrettably I could NOT as I no longer had it under my control due to a Hard Drive failure - THERE IS NO WAY THAT SHE WOULD HAVE BELIEVED ME WITHOUT THE EVIDENCE OF LISTENING TO THE AUDIO - as well evidenced by the fact she doesn’t accept the hard copy evidence supplied to date in reams of copy emails!
How about “Bank Statements proving our Electrician was paid?”, or her "illegible cheque”, or that "Window Repair Monies were paid to Contractor and not MHML’, or that £16,201 remained in Reserves as opposed to £11,243?”, or that "neither she nor Leigh Pemberton nor Fortunati requested documents within 6 months?” or that "£1590 possibly due to AR Lawrence remained in Creditors?” or that "£105,019 included vat and fees and fees included the Surveyor?” There must be more but I’ve run out of steam:, blackmail, indecent exposure, rudeness etc
I’ll be the first to admit we made unforced errors, namely Mr Karupiah requesting (after the meeting on 23 May 2014) that she pay her RTM invoice amount due and then various references from myself to the lease covenants she stubbornly refused to adhere to and of course the final nail in our coffin, our insistence of her resignation.
It’s that triumvirate of errors on our part that led to her total non recall of what she agreed at our Board Meeting as evidenced on the audio, and as I have made clear on numerous occasions she then commenced and progressed what any sane person would agree was a vindictive, malicious vendetta against most pertinently myself whilst also attempting to also malign MHML, Mr Karupiah and Mr Raja of Dima International Ltd.
The audio is proof perfect (unless of course you find it’s been “doctored or forged or even tweaked?”) of her dishonesty, if not her memory, and when taken as yet further evidence alongside my statements made in answer to all your accusations in correspondence since 23 March 2016 with reams of hard copy evidence, surely disproves damn nearly every accusation we’re (myself) accused of, including indecent exposure? Her case is based simply on a vendetta against ourselves but the audio thank goodness is indisputable evidence of her contrariness (unless “doctored”...)
Yours sincerely,
Paul Brown-Constable
PBC: “We’ve got 20, no actually I’m sorry we’ve got 10 items on there, right [meaning the Schedule of Works], which doesn’t include the lift and a few other knick-knacks that she [Michele] had on her thing [meaning her Wade quote] if we can suddenly, if we can suddenly do those..."

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