P. 265
respect of all statutory requirements in their unambiguous obligations to all lessees as to their legal rights and your repeated accusations in this respect evidences both your’s Mrs Hillgarth’s contrariness and dishonesty in repeating this ridiculous observation to all lessees and in her Witness Statement lodged at First Tier Tribunal.
So please no more references to me or MHML not following correct procedures re s.20 No- tices, as we could hardly have been more transparent over what lessees’ rights were on all matters including the £2000 contribution, the Water Tank affair and the TV/Sky
install as the above email notifications amply and irrefutably evidence:
SAVINGS EVIDENCE which you will note included MHML attempting to pay the individual window repair costs FROM SAVINGS BEING MADE so alleviating the requirement for lessees to pay individually - but regrettably the various individual costs once the rear windows were appraised were far too high to oblige - but we tried!
In other words MHML working on behalf of all lessees intent on saving them money - and be- fore you come back saying that I too would save money, I can assure you I would not as my windows were brand new and needed no attention!
In my email to our Surveyor dated 27 September 2014 (27 days into the works), I wrote:
OK Derek here's the drill - please check below very carefully and CONFIRM possible or not - and then, I'll hope to respond to say go ahead on windows' workings within the budget using contingencies.
(DRAFT ONLY: We'll proceed on the absorb the costs (£3192 incl. vat) within A.R. Lawrence budget idea utilising some of the various contingencies as you rightly suggested.)
Contingencies consist of (within the overall A.R. Lawrence budget £76,473 incl. vat and total £10,260 incl. vat
pp9_shop signage contingency_£800 - NOT UTILISED - saved 100% pp12_general_£4000 - hopefully no reason to use pp27_stoneworks - £750 - no reason to use
pp27_roof works - £1250 - hopefully no reason to use
pp29_fire escape - £750 - hopefully no reason to use pp32_ pipeworks - £1000 - and might be needed
plus pp34_meter cupboards _£922 - NOT UTILISED - saved 100% if deemed fair
So, contingencies of £10,260 incl. vat plus the meter cupboards savings of £922 plus vat (ie £1106.40) make a grand total of £11,366 incl vat
Less window repairs of £3192 incl. vat leaves £8174 incl. vat contingencies.
If you recall, I mentioned that I must retain/not spend at least £6500 incl. vat of that leaving only £1674 incl. vat to play with most likely on some pipeworks - so as long as that's all un- derstandable and possible (save for a major disaster), all's well and I have the funds to pay everybody what they're owed including you Sir.
If it's not, windows are off the radar and we'll have to await/argue with all 9 lessees who are as ever already revolting!
Thanks, Paul
PS and do please confirm that I will only owe (the balance) of your £5000 odd fee plus approx £70,000 to AR Lawrence both including vat and anything else (pre-supposing my maths is correct above) .....but no other hidden extras/fees/costs etc -
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