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possible which we have done very successfully despite Mrs Hillgarth’s constant ill-informed comments to the contrary as my further comments and correspondence with you, I would propose, totally evidences.
No Managing Agent can devote 100% of their time or personnel to one client, nor indeed a 24/7 on site resident, nor indeed the attention that a resident/lessee requires let alone a Mrs Hillgarth. But we have.
Your reference to [arguably] extorting a higher than market charge is incorrect. Were we to insist of an Agent for 24/7 residency or even simply 24/7 contact, their quoted cost would be unaffordable I propose. Our initial research for Agents gave us a very good idea of fees.
As regards no office costs to cover, no personnel costs, no professional indemnity insurance and no relevant expertise, I would again beg to differ:
My, at present now £10 a day stipend, goes towards my 24/7 electricity, gas, water, contents insurance, council tax, and when due, my income tax, leaving aside I too am paying Quarterly Demands totalling £3600 p.a. as do both my fellow Directors. It is admitted we have no personnel costs. I think our Building’s Insurance covers certain aspects but I will double check and make suitable arrangements if not. I have previously covered relevant expertise and if considered insufficient please advise.
My £10 a day stipend amounts to £3650 p.a. [and yes I am generally here or in the vicinity or have made good arrangements if not, on w/ends, bank holidays including Easter and Christmas Day] and this is invoiced by me personally [as Paul Brown-Constable/Concierge) to my company, Mitre House Management Limited, for reimbursement, all as permitted in our Memorandum of Articles, a copy of which [or the clause] I can supply you with if requested.
Mitre House Management Limited invoices the Service Charge account quarterly a Management Fee [as indicated in the pre-year Budgets] for the services provided by MHML which obviously includes my services of 24/7 attendance plus other costs of our various responsibilities, preparing and collecting Quarterly Demands [just like an agent would]. My services are invoiced to MHML for reimbursement to me and are not and never have been then re-charged to the Service Account. The Service Charge account shows the cost of Mitre House Management Limited’s fees as Management Fees, at present £4995.
Mrs Hillgarth’s reference to my [personal] invoice [to MHML and not the Service Charge account] dated 30 December 2013 for £2737.50 to which you refer, does evidence, firstly that Mrs Hillgarth was kept fully aware of MHML business affairs despite her constant denials and secondly how mischievous are her erroneous allegations as to MHML’s supposed fraudulent and unacceptable unprofessional misdemeanours in cheating lessees [of which we three directors also are]. One might have expected Mrs Hillgarth to have congratulated her fellow directors [in those days] of [me] doing so much so reasonably on her behalf as opposed to apparently totally either ignoring how my daily stipend was billed or failing to comprehend how or to whom it was billed. Hardly the intelligence nor business acumen expected of a fellow director or colleague.
My £10 per day stipend is not then charged again to the Service Charge accounts as intoned.
The Service Charge account, on receipt of an invoice from Mitre House Management Limited [done quarterly to match Quarterly Demands] then pays to Mitre House Management

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