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We desisted this idea for obvious reasons, firstly we were in serious breach of our Head Lease and secondly, it was far more economical, efficient and less disruptive to occupants if all works, internals/externals were executed together. Mrs Hillgarth was not convinced and set about yet again networking her displeasure to various other lessees. [examples on file]
All worked very well during the initial start-up, July 2011 to around March 2012 [3 months into our tenure commencing 1 January 2012], although Mrs Hillgarth had shown unbelievable discourtesy, upset and inconvenience in July/August 2011 whilst we three Directors were setting up [or attempting to in her absence abroad] the new company, Mitre House Management Limited [again all on file if further proof be required].
Mrs Hillgarth had recommended her Solicitors [or as she had been recommended], Forsters, who wished to charge £9000 odd to progress the acquisition and form the company. We declined and used the services of my long standing [48 years] Solicitor who quoted £2144 incl. vat [total paid for reasons explained below was £2684]
I had assured him of little work as I would arrange everything he required from my fellow Directors and he would rely on me as sole point of contact to reduce his time and costs etc. Mrs Hillgarth was not only tardy in responding, if at all, refused to accept directions and requests for required information directly to myself, and harassed our Solicitor with various and multiple phone calls and correspondence unnecessarily, to the detriment of both his itinerary and ours over the August Bank Holiday 2011 to meet a deadline for execution of documents some 24 hours later.
Consequently our legal fees rose by £540 from the quoted £2144 to the finally demanded £2684
It was a nightmare, and I regret, the commencement of [or in truth a repeat or resurrection of previous experiences with Mrs Hillgarth, some of which you will have noted in the bundle of letters we have already referred to and sent to you] the downhill relationship culminating in Mrs Hillgarth being asked to resign as a Director of Mitre House Management Limited in September 2014, having organised an RTM application against her own company, Mitre House Management Limited.
The RTM she attempted was for no valid reason whatsoever, save for her congenital abhorrence of me personally brought about for no other reason than her allergy to authority, any authority, be that me, Mitre House Management Limited, previous agents, Haywards and KFH and indeed anybody who requests of her to tow the line [perfect example being her refusal to comply with her lease covenants, her refusal to allow previous agents to advise lessees of her contact details [due to many disturbances over the years with some of her tenants], her refusal to oblige all other lessees with her agreement to install at TV system on roof [but she quickly agreed eleven years later when faced with an illegally installed unit by her tenant].
Ref: TV Sky etc - She was quoted £250 [advised to me by contractor) for dismantling dish and tidying up cabling etc to join the communal install, then requested [and received] a copy of the actual contractor’s invoice as opposed to the invoice we had supplied her with for her tax purposes. She noted the contractor’s invoice was for £234 which I explained was either correct or in error and anyway we had also supplied her with two tv leads so she’s still ahead of the game. She also selfishly held up other lessees’ awaiting the contractor’s visit whilst

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