P. 336

On Mrs Hillgarth’s behalf, my questions are as follows:
(a) “Reserves utilised”, according to the accounts, amounted to £105,877 against the budgeted figure of £105,019.38 for the agreed works. If the whole of this sum of £105,877 was not paid to A&R Lawrence & Sons Ltd, to whom was the balance paid?
To be comprehensively answered on receipt of various confirmations
(b) If the figure of £105,877 includes payments to persons other than A&R Lawrence & Sons Ltd, please clarify the timing and extent of any payments made to MHML, or to any director of MHML, or to any person, firm or company connected with MHML or any of its directors.
To be comprehensively answered on receipt of various confirmations
(c) I have seen your invoice dated 30 December 2013 to MHML purporting to charge them £2,737.50 for your “daily rate consultancy fees” of £7.50 per day for 365 days in 2012 – a charge which I believe has been passed on by MHML to the lessees. Please clarify what other payments have been made to you by MHML for the same or similar “consultancy” services.
N/a as described elsewhere – total and utter nonsense perpetrated by Mrs Hillgarth for no other reason than causing mischief – she was advised of this and other fees charged at an EGM she called for. It is inconceivable that she could advise you or anybody else of what she has purported as being the way these payments are conducted. What she is basically saying is that she cannot abide the fact that I personally am charging for my time [approx. 42p per hour] and she is receiving nothing for her constant harassment of her co-directors.
(d) Additional charges made to Mrs Hillgarth and others, outside the scope of the approved refurbishment scheme, included those for a water tank replacement (£867.87), communal TV Sky and HD (£593) and Sky Dish re-install re cable (£250). Also for keys (£50), a charge made exclusively to Mrs Hillgarth. As Mrs Hillgarth already asked you on 20 March 2015, please supply the original supplier invoices for these items, not the
(e) MHMLinvoices/statementsyousubsequentlysuppliedon18-21September2015.
All requested will appear in the invoices you are requesting to view to be supplied on receipt of various confirmations as requested in the attached letter dated 7 April 2016
If you still decline, following several requests, to provide this information, or to offer any plausible explanation, Mrs Hillgarth is perfectly entitled to draw the insinuations to which you object so strenuously in your threatening e-mail note of 23 March 2015. You have a duty as a director of MHML, the head lessor managing (or purporting to manage) Mitre House, to supply this information to your lessees. If you fail to do so we are entitled to

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