P. 343

c) consequently final payment to AR Lawrence was never refused and no additional monies were due to our initial electrician Nigel Brooks as hopefully both parties will reconfirm?
d) Most importantly, reference to the replacement main Water Tank is dubious as a perusal of our Surveyor’s Schedule of Works does NOT indicate inclusion and I think Tony White can reconfirm that the work was not in their remit nor were they participants in its replacement.
Further references in Tony’s Witness Statement to finances and shortages etc are pretty much as explained ad nauseum in previous correspondence not only with you but in reams of previous emails
with lessees
i) ii)
iii) iv) v) vi)
vii) viii) ix)
x) xi)
xiii) xiv)
xv) xvi)
xvii) xviii)
most pertinently Mrs Hillgarth namely:
the final amounts for all tenders on the final approved Section 20 included vat and fees. all tenders were made from the exact same Schedule of Works dated December 2013 drawn up by our Surveyor.
all tenders, costs and companies were posted on our website with all our Surveyor’s correspondence from day one – and notified to all lessees including Mrs Hillgarth
the December 2013 Schedule of Works was posted on our website and sent to lessees on request including Mrs Hillgarth four or five times
a full and comprehensive analysis of all tenders/costs per item was supplied to lessees (without request) and posted on our website
full and explicit instructions was relayed to all lessees including Mrs Hillgarth as to how to read the Schedule of Works against the full analysis of all tenders (ie – if you wanted to see, as example, how much each separate tender/company were charging for, say, scaffolding, it was very very simple to do so.
other relevant analyses were also posted with relevance to some independently sourced quotes by Mrs Hillgarth
all published Section 20 Notices, including those withdrawn, aborted and finally approved were posted on our website having all been sent to lessees as hard copies previously
it was never disputed that savings were made (and had to be made) from AR Lawrence’s (or any other chosen contractor) initial tender cost (indeed a perusal of our Surveyor’s correspondence makes clear funding issues)
savings made were used, not abused nor misappropriated, to do those additional items NOT included in the Schedule of Works and therefore NOT costed to be done by AR Lawrence within their costed schedule of works
if AR Lawrence had carried out exactly all that they had quoted from the Schedule of Works their final cost would have amounted to (as in Tony White’s Witness Statement) £91,321 including VAT
to that we had to add our Surveyor’s fees of approximately £13,698 (which eventually only totalled £10,513)
adding AR Lawrence and our Surveyor fees the amount totals £105,019
the 22nd June 2014 final approved s.20 indicated AR Lawrence as £105,019 incl. vat & fees
this same 22nd June 2014 approved s.20 made clear we had £98,262.75 in Reserves consequently we were £6756.25 short of funds and none expected in until January 2015 some 7 months away
MHML therefore requested (seeing as MHML’s advice had not been taken to source cheaper alternative workings) a £2000 contribution from all 9 lessees (including MHML’s three directors)
Initially all was agreed until Mrs Hillgarth began querying and complaining but eventually all nine lessees contributed their £2000 so leaving 98,262.75 plus £18000 in Reserves to cover an agreed outlay of £105,019

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