P. 372

(iiin) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (PBC shoddy workings) (iiio) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (no savings)
(iiip) Evidence supplied denying downright untruth (lessee requests) (iiiq) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (stupidity)
(iiir) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (cause & effect on non payment) (iiis) Evidence supplied denying serious complaints (fraud)
(iiit) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (vote rigging)
(iiiu) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (decor prefs)
(iiiv) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints & partial admittance (rudeness & abuse)
(iiiw) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (blackmail & intimidation - keys affair - police attendance)
(iiix) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (water tank & tv/sky installs)
(iiiy) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (arrears)
(iiiz) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (RTM affair)
(iiiizz) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (requesting documents denied despite Mrs
Hillgarth’s admission)
(iiizzz) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (maths & reserves)
(iiiizzzz) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (the electrician affair)
(iiiizzzzz) Evidence supplied denying serious complaints (theft)
(iiiizzzzzz) Evidence supplied denying petty complaints (wandering around in underwear etc)
(iv)_ References from the s22 Notice as originally responded to with hard copy evidence (none of which appear on the s22 Notice lodged with Tribunal 7 April 2017 )
(iva) Evidence supplied (qualifications)
(ivb) Evidence supplied (website)
(ivc) Comment supplied (office in flat 7)
(ivd) Evidence supplied (prof. safeguards)
(ive) Evidence supplied (mngt. charges)
(ivf) Evidence supplied (s20 Notices)
(ivg) Evidence supplied (financing incl. vat & fees etc)
(ivh) Evidence supplied (requesting documents denied despite Mrs Hillgarth’s admission) (ivi) Evidence supplied (Tony White Statement errors)
(ivj) Evidence supplied (reserves, £11,243 and £16,200...?)
(ivk) Evidence supplied (additional works, Wade etc)
(ivl) Evidence supplied (creditors & accounts)
(ivm) Evidence & comment supplied (sub-contracting!)
(ivn) Evidence & comment supplied (surveyors, fees, MHML, reserves utilised) (ivo) Evidence & comment supplied (false accounting?)
(ivo) Evidence supplied (vote rigging again)
(ivp) Evidence supplied denying (requesting documents denied)
(ivq) Evidence & comment supplied (blackmail & intimidation)
(ivr) Evidence supplied (competence - or lack of?)
(ivs) Evidence supplied (arrears)
(ivt) Evidence supplied denying (lessee comments ignored)
(ivu) Evidence supplied agreeing (rudeness)
(ivv) Evidence supplied denying (pbc private benefit)
(ivw) Evidence supplied mocking (basement office0
(ivx) Evidence supplied (RTM affair)
(ivy) Evidence supplied (requesting documents denied
(ivz) All as Evidence supplied to date (Breaches of Codes of Practice - incl. the Applicants disregard for
both codes of practice and her lease covenants)
(ivzz) All as Evidence supplied (breakdown of relationship due to paying £800 per annum less today in
annual charges than in 2011)
(ivzzz) Comment supplied (the road to impecuniary no doubt) -“Nuts"
(v)_ Misc previously raised issues with hard copy evidence requiring multiple responses and indicative of Mrs Hillgarth’s contrariness and obstinacy:
(va) Mrs Hillgarth’s accusation of MHML having used the Lessees’ Window Repair monies despite the fact that all Lessees were required to write cheques to the contractor -
(vb) Mrs Hillgarth’s denial of writing illegible cheque (also in Witness Statement re: keys or tv/sky workings)
(vc) Mrs Hillgarth’s insistence that she’s too busy so instructs PBC “you choose” re decor vote - and then denies due “I only told you what you wanted to hear!” (yes hard copy in bundles)
(vd) Mrs Hillgarth’s acceptance and appreciation of Lift refurb works on visit to Mitre House - subsequently denied (all on hard copy in bundle)
(ve) Mrs Hillgarth’s decor preferences differing from other lessees’ preferences (all on hard copy in bundle)
(vf) Mrs Hillgarth’s preference for artworks and topiary (all on hard copy in bundle)
(vg) Mrs Hillgarth’s preference for additional workings (Wade quotes all on hard copy in bundle)
(vh) Mrs Hillgarth’s preference confirmed in RTM letter and demand to cancel MHML s20 to only adopt
Wade interior specs (all on hard copy in bundle)

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