P. 417

Reply: In a MHML Board Meeting on 23 May 2014 it was again advised to Mrs Hillgarth that neither her Wade final cost of £219,000 nor any of the other tendered costs, including the cheapest, £105,000, included the items she had requested of Wade/Hemi to quote for initially.
It was further advised in this meeting to Mrs Hillgarth that some of the items costed for in all of the received tenders, including Wade’s £219,000 and the cheapest, £105,000, could be done slightly cheaper quite easily by MHML personnel and also that certain sensible savings could also be made from even the cheapest tender (£105,000) which again could easily be achieved with no detriment to the workings legally required to do for both Internals and Externals within the terms of the Head Lease.
It was explained to Mrs Hillgarth that these savings, however accomplished, would then be used to fund those items that Mrs Hillgarth had requested of Wade/Hemi to initially quote for but had not been included in the final Surveyor’s Schedule of Works as they were considered unaffordable.
Mrs Hillgarth agreed to this proposal and verbally exclaimed that the savings to be made and used for unaffordable items “will make everybody happy”.
4. MHML and its directors tried to cover up this fraudulent activity by refusing to comply with reasonable requests for information as to how the leaseholders’ money had been spent in connection with the refurbishment, and presented inadequate and/or false service charge accounts to the leaseholders containing incorrect and/or misleading information.
Reply: In Mrs Hillgarth’s own Witness Statement (para 73) she admits that neither she nor any other lessee had requested information as stated.
5. MHML (on the admission of one of its Directors, Mr Brown-Constable) falsified records of the leaseholders’ voting intentions as to the redecoration of the common parts of Mitre House and used the leaseholders’ money to redecorate the premises to his own taste rather than theirs.
Reply: This again petty accusation has been proved untrue on numerous occasions with a letter and supporting emails from Mr Karupiah (Director) to Samya Riad (lessee) dated 8 July 2012 and indeed in an email from Mrs Hillgarth to Mr Brown-Constable dated 7 June 2012 @15.03 saying “you choose”.
6. Mr Brown-Constable blackmailed and intimidated Mrs Hillgarth, (or attempted to blackmail and intimidate her) in order to procure payments from other leaseholders in connection with the refurbishment.
Reply: This again is too petty and certainly untrue to even make comment save for Mrs Hillgarth arriving at my flat to collect a key accompanied by a Police Officer because I had previously told her that under no circumstances would I entertain a meeting between ourselves unless a third party was also present due solely to her dishonest relaying of conversations and agreements to third parties

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