P. 456

Re: another previously argued point. Seeing as the budget/Reserves were limited, had we requested our Surveyor to ADD a communal TV/Sky and a replacement Water Tank to his specifications [we weren’t aware of the Water Tank problem until well after his initial survey and he has no expertise to check a communal Water Tank anyway] but had they both been added and tendered for along with all other items in his specifications, I would propose the price for each would have doubled with usual loadings etc [not that my predictions are always accurate as I proposed to Mrs Hillgarth that professional agents [such as we have now] would double our annual outgoings overnight – as I’m sure she is aware, I was wrong, they have tripled in 12 months so take my guesses with pinch of salt – or something stronger!
I presume your reference to not including, so being able to hold the money in Reserves, is a euphuism for “stacking the money for purloining at a later stage?” Whilst I appreciate that all lessees had to chip in £2000 [although had just one objected/refused we would have been legally required to simply reduce the workings down to what we actually had in Reserves as many of the items were replacements/cosmetic non urgent etc]
Both the Water Tank [a lucky break found aged/faulty on tri annual inspection whilst scaffolding in situ] and communal TV/Sky fell within the s.20 rules but due to having scaffolding in place and very considerable savings possible [dedicated scaffolding could have cost upwards of £15,000] it was put to all lessees that we could possibly do without the normal required s.20, so saving a small fortune, if all, each and every lessee, would agree to paying their fair normal percentage share and we could get on and do it all with scaffolding in place. Just one dissenting lessee and all bets were off. All agreed but Mrs Hillgarth caused havoc when insinuating that we should use the £2000 contribution [which she was slow in paying anyway as were her three allies due to her gerrymandering, and getting her share, and again her allies, of tank & tv contributions was akin to eating razorblades.
No way am I going through all this lot yet again. I’ve lost count of how many computations both you and Mrs Hillgarth have presented to date – well over a dozen – and despite me categorically and exactly advising you of correct figures [Surveyor/Water Tank/TV/Refunds/Reserves at end of year etc] they keep on a-coming.
If the accounts indicate £16,201 in Reserves then it’s in Reserves, not spent. And to this day I can’t believe how economic the whole process turned out to be as I only expected approx. £11,243 left in Reserves - £16,201 was a brilliant result and that’s the bottom line.
What you object to [can hardly blame Mrs Hillgarth as she can’t even read a set of Surveyor’s Specifications] is how we (me) wanted to present our accounts in its simplest form. The attached notes to the accounts outline the additional contributions in adequate detail, and show clearly they were received and ulilised, along with the agreed budget was also fully utilised, leaving a balance of £16,201 in Reserves for 2015

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