P. 468

Grand Total for all works on 3 July 2012 Quote £65,851.20 (incl. extras)
02_Wade Quote 23 January 2013 £43,039. 80 plus 20% VAT £51,647. 76 (no extras)
plus additional items - none
Note the various welcome reductions, namely:
Lift Interior - reduced £260 to £1600
Hardwood woodwork - reduced £2160 to £5380 Painted Mail Pigeon Boxes - reduced £280 to £320 and PLUS
2 x Pendant lights - ADDED for £820.80
Grand Total for all works on 23 January 2013 quote: £51,647.76 (no extras save for 2 x Pendant lights)
If Flat 5 are insisting that Wade's 3 July 2012 quote totals £51,126. 22 including VAT (Management suggest it's actually £53,182) it would be helpful if a final schedule decision is made as to which items of Wade's 3 July 2012 quote are to be included (with or without the additional items) to arrive at a firm final cost of their works and so the budget can be appropriated. It is either £53,182 or £65,851 with additional items included)
Management have supplied a £25,000 budget to include their intended works as listed on their Schedule Of Works sent to all Lessees on 26 January 2014
It appears the (second) 23 Jan 2013 Wade Quote is the nearest to what Flat 5 states is 3 July 2012 Quote totalling, as they say, £51,126. 22 incl. VAT (the 23/Jan/2013 quote actually totals £51,647.76 incl. VAT), but this more recent second 23 Jan 2013 Wade Quote does not include any additional items, such as Emergency Lighting, which Management's £25,000 does include and Wade's second quote has a few small deletions/downgrading as listed above.
Management admit that the Lift Car refurb is not included in their £25,000 although some of Management's £5000 contingency might stretch to the Lift Car refurb & surrounds.
Management's £25,000 works are well listed - and any individual item cost can be seen on the Analysis Comparison - also attached (the illegible coloured jumble as per Flat 5's description - see Flat 5's same Spreadsheet (attached) some time ago for comparison***) and confirmation of both Management's and Wade item's cost can be seen by viewing each and any Quote as published on line
Management cannot make it simpler and more transparent. Suggest you peruse the attached pdfs (brief & comprehensive - and both also online) or re-visit the link below to view again the FULL (4th Draft) MH INTERNALS DECOR SPECIFICATIONS of which (3rd Draft) was emailed to all Lessees on 4th July 2013 with the (2nd) Section 20 Notice dated 6 July 2013 (aborted by RTM affair) and again with the Section 20 Notice on 13th December 2013. All Drafts have been available to view on the since March 2013
*** Please note
This Spreadsheet from Flat 5 is somewhat inaccurate as it fairly lists Wade's (3 July 2012) excellent workings and costs, totalling (£44,319 or £54,876) but needs 20% VAT adding making revised totals of (£53,182 or £65,851) and consequently Management think it's pretty fair that we have always referred to Wade's quote as £60,000 (it's actually a lot more (£65k+) if extras are added in as it has never been made clear how many of Wade's items were to be proceeded with, minimum or maximum.
On Flat 5's Spreadsheet, Management's list of costs is totally arbitrary and should be disregarded as the figures shown were simply the AVERAGE cost of all Management's quotes (and included VAT) per item taken from the Voting Spreadsheet given to one and all at the 13 June 2012 meeting when it was decided by some Lessees that the vote was fiddled. Were it not for some changes of mind at that meeting, the Internals would have been completed by October 2012 on schedule and as always budgeted by Management for a maximum £27,000. Yes, £27,000 was the initial agreed budget on all documentation from the day Management took over 1 January 2012, with even some references in 2011.... £27, 000 not £60,000 or whatever!
We are now down to a £25,000 maximum budget due to the surplus being requested to be refunded. Management have no concerns whatsoever with Wade's capability, ability or credibility. Just that we can't

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