Page 30 - D-Day 6-6-17
P. 30

From: Bruce R. Maunder Taylor
Subject: RE: MITRE HOUSE SW3 LON/00AW/LAM/2017/0011 BRMT / CHC
Date: 6 June 2017 at 11:49
To: Paul Brown-Constable
Cc: Peter Begg, Michele Hillgarth,,
Dear Mr. Brown-Constable, I acknowledge receipt of your le=er. I an>cipate that, if you took professional advice, you would be advised to con>nue managing unless and un>l the Tribunal make an Order. I doubt they will decide on the day, their decision can take up to 6 weeks to be published to the par>es.
Kind regards
Bruce Maunder Taylor 0208 492 5507
From: Paul Brown-Constable [mailto:studio@graffi>.biz]
Sent: 06 June 2017 11:31
To: Bruce R. Maunder Taylor <>
Cc: Burrow Jillian <>; Leoni-Sce> Maria <mleonisce>>; Leigh-Pemberton Christopher <> Subject: MITRE HOUSE SW3 LON/00AW/LAM/2017/0011 BRMT / CHC
Dear Mr. Maunder Taylor,
Thank you for your two emails this morning.
You do seem intent on prolonging the situa>on with somewhat unfair innuendos and threats. We have not refused to comply with requests as is well established to date. We have only “objected” to your applica>on for disclosure for accounts informa>on etc for 2014 to date (ie 2014, 2015, 2016 and to June 2017). As explained in our le=er to Ms Burrow of 4 June your s22 No>ce makes quite clear the 2014 Accounts are contested, queried etc and indeed the ini>ally requested invoices (which we offered to send) only refer to the 2014 works’ programme. Surely we are en>tled to make those observa>ons as fair comment, as expec>ng us to also supply all accounts 2014 to date was not and never was an issue raised in the s22 No>ce. Can’t we simply get on with points raised in the s22 No>ce and get those out of the way before enlarging the paperwork in an unfair a=empt at discredi>ng ourselves yet further. We’re in enough trouble as it is!
As regards the Management Plan comments. To be fair, we are only expec>ng the CV & Fees as outlined on the ini>al direc>ons. Surely no Management Plan re: clean sheet or whatever can be drawn up un>l such >me as the Tribunal makes an appointment at which >me quite obviously you will have everything we have to draw up your plan. In the mean>me I think, I hope, we are en>tled to have an idea of fees etc.
You seem somewhat re>cent in acknowledging the various documents already supplied to you which do evidence in detail our objec>ons and reasons to unfair irrelevant requests and demands which would appear you are a=emp>ng to take an unfair advantage over our admi=edly limited experience of the Tribunal’s protocols - but no admi=ance of poor management. We’ve more than disproved that alleged misdemeanour.
Thank you for confirming re: our bundle etc.

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