Page 43 - D-Day 6-6-17
P. 43

From: Paul B_C
Date: 6 June 2017 at 13:36
To: Bruce R. Maunder Taylor
Cc: Burrow Jillian, Leoni-Sceti Maria
Dear Mr. Maunder Taylor,
I’m more confused now than ever.
Firstly we were initially obliged to supply all 2014 to date by Thursday 8th (polling day), not 9th. A pretty tight schedule seeing as we only received the order on Saturday 3 June
Secondly, you already are aware of our polite letter dated 4 June to the Tribunal (Ms Burrow) requesting a revision to the initial order of 2014 to date, to the relevant 2014 only.
Your enlarging of charges made in your s22 Notice is unfair and irrelevant and that is why we have requested a revision to better reflect your actual charges against us.
Surely that seems fair? And I note you make no comment as to our offer to send you over by pdf all of 2017 to date which brings you totally up to date on situation to produce your Management Plan - if it also helps, I attach below two pdfs of annual analyses from 2012 - 2017 which when read alongside our annual accounts evidence all expenses and quarterly demands in detail. That’s more than sufficient to draw up a Management Plan I would propose, but it is your anticipated fees for Managing Mitre House that I wish to be made aware of please.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Brown-Constable
Expenditure 2012-2016.pdf
Quarterly Deman...017.pdf
On 6 Jun 2017, at 12:58, Bruce R. Maunder Taylor <> wrote: For the a)en+on of Ms J Burrow
Dear Ms Burrow,
The Tribunal has issued a direc+on to the Respondent in this case to disclose the financial documents which the Applicant has requested and the Respondent has so far failed to comply. The Tribunal has given the Respondent un+l 9 June to do so.
Unless the direc+on is complied with by the +me stated in the Tribunal’s latest direc+on, then the Applicant requests that the Tribunal exercises its powers pursuant to S.20 of the Tribunal Procedure (First-+er Tribunal) (Property Chamber) Rules 2013:
20. – (1) On the applica+on of a party or on its own ini+a+ve, the Tribunal may –
(b) order any person to answer any ques+ons or produce any documents in that person’s possession or control which relate to any issue in the proceedings.

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