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                                         company news
         Trevor Hunt
head of Picture It Facilities,
on his collaboration with The Editpool:
G eoff has been a client of mine since the days when I worked
at Shift Four, some ten years ago. I was then responsible for organising crews for the BBC,
Channel 4 & 5 and other major TV production companies, and it was through a client that Geoff was recom- mended to me.
Seven years ago I had the oppor- tunity of breaking out on my own and started Picture It Facilities, offering complete technical support to the corporate, entertainment and broad- cast sectors.
Through the relationship and trust I had built up working before with Geoff, I was now confident that I could offer The Editpool the same service, if not better, via my new ven- ture at Picture It.
Over this last decade Geoff and I have covered 40 to 50 premieres, including the first Harry Potter film which was an intense two month proj- ect, requiring a staff of 120.
The result was a three and half hour live transmission to Europe, and to both the east and west coasts of the US, Japan and Australia as well as real-time webcasting to the US. We also covered the premiere for the sec- ond Potter film.
  “I’ve always had a very close relationship with the clients, andalotoftheworkIdois because of that relationship.”
  Fuji Motion Picture And Professional Video • Exposure • 11
Most recently, we did The Matrix Reloaded. On these titles and many more we have also produced the jun- kets, in the UK and Europe.
Picture It is very much an exten- sion of Editpool’s service to the film distribution companies.
And it’s through Geoff’s continu- ing business with us which means that I have been able to invest and expand our operation to include cus- tom-made kits which all goes towards offering our clients a professional, efficient and seamless production of premieres, junkets and EPKs.” ■

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