Page 193 - FINAL MASTER 616pp 20-6-19 SOUND
P. 193
I submit that this “basement bureau” accusation evidences Mrs Hillgarth’s contrariness and dishonesty in repeating this ridiculous observation to all lessees and in her Witness State- ment lodged at First Tier Tribunal and is indicative of all her other vindictive and imaginative fantasies. It was also an accusation in your 23 March 20126 and denied.
Please note: This accusation is typical of the other ridiculous and spiteful accusations made by Mrs Hillgarth throughout this whole sad, sick, pathetic affair - vote rigging, using lessees window repair monies, wandering around in my underwear, flat 2 renting out using AirBnB, my panelling being ille- gally installed let alone my windows, blackmail, intimidation, abusive or ungentlemanly language (partly true but with good cause as that’s all she understands), disregarding ignoring refusing re- quests from her and other lessees for information including from our YE2014 accounts (another lie proved by her own admission in her Witness Statement para 73), swearing our cleaner, Bunny, to silence, getting caught out doing works (photos promised but none to date), and indeed base-
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