Page 32 - Pemberton traffic
P. 32

From: Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers Subject: Re: Mitre House/Quarterly Demands
Date: 26 January 2015 at 10:21
To: Christopher Leigh Pemberton
Thanks - greatly relieved - shame you didn't advise pre Solicitors letter as that's run up additional costs - running this place used to be fun but due to some very undesirable ignorant lessees intent on causing grief at every turn, it's no longer amusing and will now be run both commercially and responsibly... It's regrettable that you, as both British and well bred appear to have had bizarre sympathy with their carpet bagging, transient and ill conceived comments for now three years! I just couldn't believe that you seemed content to listen to their drivel and not side with Management when you yourself are in the same business and comprehend economies and how best to employ builders etc? They have been totally disenfranchised on every point including without a shadow of doubt the recent works which as I've previously stated could have been accomplished for half the cost (£105,019) which they (and you) insisted on adopting (and do not forget they actually wanted to spend DOUBLE that!) Sheer and utter madness and proof perfect of their total ignorance of both economy and common sense!
It won't happen again under my watch, I can safely assure you.
The new interior evidences conclusively what can be achieved by intelligent competent management and professional designers and it could have been accomplished three years ago as scheduled in September 2012 far cheaper had not these same idiot lessees made such ludicrous decisions as to an RTM, ridiculous quotations and a totally illiterate interpretation as to Mitre House's legacy and environment and allowed we professionals to do our job - My fault entirely for having stupidly decided the place could be run by committee - but that relied on members who could both read and write English and had a modicum of common sense when it comes to Budgets and expenditure - both sadly lacking and hence three years wasted until I decided enough was enough and simply went ahead and got it done within the agreed budget of £105.019 which I still could have done for less than £60k had management's advice been taken notice of as long ago as January 2012...!
The gloves are off from here on.
Paul Brown-Constable Graffiti Editions Ink Suite 7, Mitre House
124 Kings Road
London SW3 4TP
Mbl: 07983333543
On 26 Jan 2015, at 09:36, Christopher Leigh Pemberton <> wrote: Paul,
yes an error, it is paid automatically, balance in the account this am. Regards Clp
Christopher Leigh Pemberton SW12 Group
1 Shafto Mews
+44 20 7235 3212 O +44 20 7235 4502 H +44 7836 223 516 M
On 22 Jan 2015, at 10:32, Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers wrote:
Dear Chris -

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