Page 25 - Fujifilm Exposure_49_King's Speech_ok
P. 25

                                  THE DP VIEW
Tom’s take on history is that
film often tends to make it look “chocolate boxy and sanitised.
So, if we were going to make film about real people and real events, the more veracity you could put on the screen the more believable it will become.
I decided to use the two ETERNA Vivid stocks for the film, the Vivid 160T and the Vivid 500T, which I hadn’t used before and so tested a bit. You want to create a distinctive look so you hunt around for something which you feel works best for the story. What I like
about the Fujifilm stocks is that the combination of them, the sets, locations and costumes just
kind of gel.
What I was especially blown away by was how the Vivid 500T dealt with grain. With a period film, you can probably get away with a grainier look but the fact that now it’s pretty grainless is an added bonus. What you don’t want is anything that will distract
people’s attention.
Photo main: Helena Bonham Carter, Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush in The King’s Speech;
left: Rush and Firth flank director Tom Hooper; above l-r: Guy Pearce as Edward VIII; and Geoffrey Rush

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