Page 35 - Fujifilm Exposure_27 Bride & Prejudice_ok
P. 35
“As Harris panned up, an extraordinary, inexplicable light eerily but rather appropriately engulfed both
the horse and Heston - not a flare exactly but completely unintentional as if
a third person somehow had a hand in it.”
Photo main: John Harris (right) with Robert Krasker waiting for the next shot in the snowy Guadarrama Mountains north of Madrid on Fall Of The Roman Empire;
right from top: John Harris relaxing at home today; Poster image of Live And Let Die; and below from l-r: John Harris, Samuel Bronston and Robert Krasker during the filming of Fall Of The Roman Empire; Inset opposite page: an Ultra-Panavision scene from Fall Of The Roman Empire
Fuji Motion Picture And Professional Video • Exposure • 33