Page 2 - 47_PBC to Begg_30-6-16 (9pp)
P. 2
I can only hope your Chairman, Neville Buch at Targus is fully aware of your extracurricular out of hours representation of Mrs Hillgarth. I will certainly make my concerns known to the Legal Ombudsman if this harassment continues as having to refute one lie after another is exactly that, harassment and very time and cost consuming.
I look forward to a prompt, hopefully compliant response please, as summer holidays are fast approaching and like the UK at present, I for one will be not available whilst awaiting a new PM, a new opposition leader, a new England football manager and you can bet your bottom dollar, your client will shortly be taking her leave of the UK for the splendours of Bandol in the South of France.
If you can have two weeks off for pneumonia and Mrs Hillgarth can go tripping in the Sahara in the critical first week of this affair I think I'm entitled to a month or two in Sri Lanka, with I promise, full Concierging cover as ever.
And without a shadow of a doubt, I do sincerely wish you had replied by return to our offer to comply on 1st April 2016 Imagine how much correspondence might have been avoided or indeed forests protected? Mais, c’est la vie, M. Begg. Yours sincerely,
Paul Brown-Constable
cc Segar Karupiah, Dima International Limited
Attachments include:
1_Schedule of Works (in this instance, Wade’s) - on website
2_Wade quote dated 3rd July 2012 - on website
3_Wade quote dated 23rd January 2013 - on website
4_Marbleshine quote dated 5th November 2012 (a repeat of a previous 2011 quote) - on website
5_Hemi quote dated July 2012 - on website
6_Quarterly Demands letter 15 March 2015 referencing statements made to date
7_KFH Section 20 Notice dated 14th September 2009 + another
8_Analysis of all main Contractor Costings re: Schedule of Works - on website
9_Comparison of initial Wade Quotes v MHML suggested £37k quote dated approx January 2013 - on website 10_MHML suggested £25k budget - February 2014 - on website
11_MHML initial 2012 suggested Internals workings Schedule of Works - on website
12_MHML s.20 dated 22 June 2014 making clear “incl. vat and fees” on all Contractors’ total costings and do please note the comments on Page 2 which adds credence to many statements made as to majorities/misinformation to certain lessees by Mrs Hillgarth and MHML patience and acquiescence to lessee requests. Let alone the £ 1
13_email references 29 September 2014 (3)
14_email reference 22 May 2014 (re: meeting/Minutes etc) - note instructions to view Schedule of Works/costs 15_for now third time - full history of all events 2008 - 6 June 2014 - refer to for confirmations
16_email 2 May 2014 - total proof perfect contrariness - reasons for dismissal as a Director etc
Items (2), (3), (5), (6 - see letter dated 15 March 2012), (9), (10) and (11) do outline workings expected/requested by lessees to be attempted for Internals at Mitre House, many of which are not included in the final Schedule of Works dated December 2013 (electrics, lighting, lift etc), some of which are (meter cupboards etc) but have been done cheaper so savings made for other items not included in the Schedule of Works.
We attach these relevant documents as it has been stated that Mrs Hillgarth “has confirmed that she never request- ed anything but the work which was agreed in the Section 20 Notice issued on 22 June 2014”
It has previously been established that Mrs Hillgarth attended my flat and we discussed lighting and lift colour prefer- ences (your letter with my comments 23 March - vote rigging).