Page 10 - 53_PBC to Begg (Crime OCR)_12-7-16 (33pp)
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(reply) denied - a perusal of previous correspondence (your item 2) with attachments totally disproves that statement. The only request to view invoices (or as you are im- plying, a proper summary of the service charge account) was made on 17 December 2015 to view documents from our Accounts dated 30 May 2015 by Mrs Hillgarth. No other requests for access was ever made until 17 December 2015 by Mrs Hillgarth - the first ever received since 1st January 2012.
See also my letters dated 1st and 8th August to further fully substantiate with 100% irrefutable evidence in support of our denial of your accusation.
Reference to a strained relationship can be laid at the door of Mrs Hillgarth as
has been well evidenced by her disloyalty and duplicitous dealings behind her co-director’s backs as well as her canvassing other lessees with totally erroneous and ill-informed information (see attached ref DDD) as evidenced by her taking some innocent lessees into an abortive RTM knowing full well it was doomed to failure due
12 the 25% ruling which she was aware of. Or surely should have been since 7 April 2011.
Following a lengthy consultation process in 2014 between MHML and the Mitre House lease- holders under Section 20 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 it was finally agreed that a firm called AR Lawrence & Sons Ltd should carry out full external and internal redecoration works at Mitre House at the tendered price of £105,019.38, (being £81,487.62 for external works and £23,531.76 for internals). This was all set out in a Section 20 letter dated 22 June 2014 from MHML to the leaseholders - see Item 3. It was also explicitly stated in the board minutes of MHML of 23 May 2014 that A&R Lawrence had been appointed to carry out the external and internal refurbishments.
(reply) You will note in the minutes dated 23 May 2014 (attached ref AAA) that Mrs Hillgarth requested and was obliged with checking firstly all the original tender costs as supplied by our Surveyor (see attached ref BB) as well as perusing the Surveyor’s Schedule of Works to make certain that all contractors had costed works identically, including her independently sourced Wade quote against the AR Lawrence quote.
You will also note she was fully satisfied.
In an email from Mrs Hillgarth to me on 20 March 2014:
Surveyors Report for the Exterior:
Despite requests on several occasions myself, as have also come from the other leaseholders, I am still waiting several months later for a copy of your surveyor’s report on the exterior of Mitre House. [despite having been sent at least twice and told it’s on website] As I stated in my previous e-mail, you must have one to have reached the figure of £75,000 as your estimate, which I presume excludes VAT?
Therefore, I have been in touch with the other leaseholders, and as the majority we would like to appoint Mr Courtney Manton from Best Gapp to provide a realistic basis for comparison in undertaking his own survey. [and MHML are accused of not advising lessees of a surveyor and costs?] Therefore could you please get in touch with him, or I am would you prefer me to instruct him accordingly?
In an email from Mrs Hillgarth to me on 15 May 2014:
Dear Paul, and all,
Please see the attached quote from Wade in accordance with the specifications given to him [no, Mrs Hillgarth
gave it to him] by the surveyor [from our Surveyor’s Schedule of Works] you appointed. I would ask everyone copied in to reply to Management confirming their agreement to:
- Using Wade as the contractor for ALL the internal works.
- Delaying exterior works until 2015
- ONCE and only ONCE the interiors are completed, re-visit the discussion on the exterior with regard to

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