Page 15 - 53_PBC to Begg (Crime OCR)_12-7-16 (33pp)
P. 15

summaries as first outlined in my 1 August letter (see attached refs 12, D & DD)
MHML did nothing different to what our previous Agents presented - in fact it’s identical save for including vat and fees. Had any lessee requested any information
as to what are “reserves utilised”, they would have been answered. We have already explained your accusation (my letters 1 and 8 August) that we didn’t indicate our Surveyor’s fees separately to lessees and then on the published accounts didn’t split their fees with other fees and costs. Or indeed indicate both AR Lawrence & MHML etc
Hardly relevant or fraudulent as the final figures matched the agreed budget whether split or not. Had any lessee requested information once accounts were published within the statutory limit we would have outlined the procedures employed.
To recap my letters dated 1 and 8 August:
Please see (attached ref D) which is from our Agents’ 2005 Accounts, when major works were last undertaken. You will note their use of “Reserves Utilised” as we have done. Admittedly in the preceeding year (2004), they do log Surveyor Fees separately to Works (External Repairs & decoration) but Reserves Utilised is still the total for “Reserves Utilised”, but in 2005 they lump all together (and yes I can assure you there were Surveyor Fees in 2005, there always are Surveyor’s fees, always!)
So exactly what is fraudulent, as you are implying, by MHML placing one total into “Reserves Utilised” which included all costs, all invoices, all expenses from all sources for the agreed £105.019 budget [£105,877].
It’s neat, it’s tidy, it’s accurate, and it was dead easy if indeed we did receive a simple request within the statutory allowed 6 month period to state a breakdown:
AR Lawrence (£63,600), MHML (£31,756), Surveyor’s Fees (£10,513)
As we have stated now half a dozen times, the s20 stated all costs were including vat and fees. There was nothing devious to that transparency of one complete whole cost with no hidden extras - that whole cost with no hidden fees was for £105,019 including vat and fees.
We have supplied you with two other Agents s.20 notices neither of which state including vat and fees but PLUS vat and fees and no mention whatsoever of surveyor fees nor indeed any other fees - not very transparent in our opinion.
Consequently, the final amount that would appear of their particular set of accounts could be far larger than the amount stated on their s.20 once vat and any other professional fees were added and there are always many to contend with including the Agent’s 15% loading or whatever, which can also include some nefarious kick- backs from the winning contractor.
That I can safely say is not one fraud we did commit or else Tony White’s Witness Statement would have included our deviousness. He probably neglected to advise you that we also got him some additional good works close by. Again no brown envelope though. Hence you will appreciate my somewhat dismay at the various untruths on his statements until it was explained to me that Mrs Hillgarth had written it and requested

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