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 • Despite your (recent 23 May 2014) accusation that you were not advised, you were in various emails and in fact agreed in various emails to both a reduction and to us managing Mitre House ourselves.
• As regards finances, we have not only reduced Annual Quarterly Demands' outlays per Lessee by 70% since previous Agent's KFH, with no reduction whatsoever in quality of service nor maintenance.
• Despite accusations to the contrary, we have retained the exact same contribution to Reserves as previous Agents over a 9 year period (with a small £1500 (error) reduction in YE2012)
• Despite erroneous accusations of Management not funding the Reserves adequately, Management advised against Lessees requesting back the year end surplus for various year ends.
• These refunds back to Lesses, against Management's advice, were paid from Reserves which further reduced our available funds for Internals (& Externals).
• (2012) The Internals
• Management began sourcing Internals quotes in late 2011 as well as during early 2012, and supplying full Internals' Specifications, budgets
• (initially £25,000, and subsequently £35,000 both incl. VAT) presentations of ideas, proposals etc for a simple vote by all Lessees as to preferred style (Classic or Art Deco)
• ALL Lessees, except for you, made their preferred vote known by the deadline 31st May 2012, consequently you held up the process.
• You finally made your vote known by emailing me to say.... You choose! (7th June 2012)
• A meeting was called by you and other Lessees for 14 June 2012 where the final vote was discussed and rejected (due in part to certain changes of mind)
• It was decided by you (and supposedly a majority - but Flat 4 deny that statement) that alternative quotes be sourced (Hemi & Wade)
• This supposed majority also wished to adopt WADE's £60,000 budget for Internals (3 July 2012 & 23 January 2013), despite management's advice that we did not have sufficient funds.
• Since this 14 June 2012 meeting, nothing could be agreed between Management and Lessees and you organised their responses to all questions posed.
• You organised a further meeting 20 November 2012 to further discuss your/the £60,000 budget and WADE and outside Agents yet again.
• It was again announced that there was a majority in agreement with your various complaints and proposals, namely Flats 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9
• Management happily admit to receiving almost exactly the same correspondence from Flats 1, 3, 5, 8 & 9 regarding invalid, non compliant Section 20 notices.
• It should be noted that Flat 4 has always refuted any such membership of your supposed majority. It should also be noted that Flat 1 is owned offshore and under an Agent only.
• It should be noted that despite Management's request to you to provide written confirmation from Flats 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 to confirm in writing their acceptance of various proposals none was forthcoming.
• These various proposals consisted of agreeing to pay substantially enlarged Quarterly Demands to cover your preferred (and supposedly their's) £60,000 WADE Internals Budget. None was forthcoming.
• A final request for these confirmations was made in an email to you prior to the Board Meeting on 23 May 2014, requesting you arrive with these confirmations. None was forthcoming.
• (2013) The Internals
• You organised an RTM with four other Lessees in June 2013 without resigning as a Director of Mitre House Management and despite knowing the 25% rule,
• Resulting as it did in an expensive and totally futile exercise. You still have an outstanding invoice for £2582.74 for Management's fees and costs.
• Section 20 notice (21 June 2013) was requested by your RTM Solicitors to be aborted which further delayed the Internals
• You contacted our (my) Solicitors requesting them to no longer represent Mitre House Management Limited as you had utilised their services for Lease Extension
• You also contacted our Freeholder's Agents, Capita who in turn contacted Management for proof of competence (Bill Allen)
• Both via your RTM Solicitors and in your multitude of emails, you accused Management of almost everything imaginable from non compliance of Company Law to mismanagement.
• Various accusations were so bizarre such as requesting if we had properly notified you of our intention to hire Solicitors to defend the RTM.
• You continued to insist that a £60,000 budget be allocated for Internals and WADE be the contractor and outside Agents be retained (Best Gapp)
• You queried Management's Specifications, procedures and paperwork re: Internals, Section 20 notices etc
• You were advised that EXTERNALS were looming for an approx. £70,000 if we were lucky....and our Surveyor had been retained to review Specifications
• Despite Management's confirmation with full documentation and paperwork that all was in hand for both Internals/Externals, you still insisted it was not

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