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 From: Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers Subject: Mitre House - Flats 3, 5 and 9
Date: 14 February 2014 at 15:20
To: Michele Hillgarth, Leoni-Sceti Maria, Fortunati Diego & Susanna
Valentine's Day 14 February 2014 Dear Flats 3, 5 and 9.
Flat 1 are in total agreement (12 Feb: In response to your email, this is to confirm that my client
of Flat 1 has not changed her mind since your last year issue of Section 20 and
therefore agree with the email sent by Michele on 30th of January 2014: Ivan Ng) with Michele's assessment in her 30 January 2014, which just goes to show how much they really understand the politics at Mitre House. Let's hope you can convince Flat 4 and 8 of the same decision once the facts below are digested, and indeed if even you three still cannot see the wood for the trees and then apologise to Flat 1 for misleading them and to Management for the nuisance you've caused us.
No matter what reply we make in response to your requests, it never seems to fully satisfy the complainant. Hopefully this email correspondence will finally answer and explain all and every relevant query to date in final and precise detail.
(Please find attached 6 pdfs: Wade Quotes x 2, Flat 5's Spreadsheet, Management's Spreadsheet, Management's Brief Works/Costs, Managements FULL Internals Work Specs/Costs - all available to view in more detail on
Replies so far have been received from Flats 1, 3 and 9 agreeing totally with Flat 5's comments as sent to all on 30 January 2014.
I'm afraid I, and my other two Directors, have had just about enough of the ludicrous nonsense and illogical, if not downright misleading statements by some of you as we're spending hours fielding email requests/replies, none of which seem to be comprehended or bring closure to the argument.
The problem is that for some mischievous reason, these insane accusations and misunderstandings are sent, round robin, to everybody. As is well known, there's no smoke without fire and consequently Management are obliged to answer each and every query, and copy it to all Lessees, no matter how outrageous, inaccurate and misleading the original accusations and innuendos were considered.
It now appears that Flat 9 think we've installed a Satellite Dish on the roof for £4826 which really is the final straw and we're expected to spend time replying to what is either caused by the complexity of the English language or just downright stupidity. The answer is, No we have not, (I only wish we had) and the £4826 is the Surplus so ridiculously demanded back by a few who gave little or no thought to the consequences and ignored Management's good advice to leave it in Reserves. Now they complain that Reserves are underfunded!!! And want to spend in excess of what is in Reserves!!! Read on for yet more misunderstandings.
In reply to the various replies, Management make the following observations. Flat 5 states in their 30 Jan email:
"You keep referring to a figure of £60,000 but it has never been that even
including VAT – the quote supplied last year from WADE on 3rd July, which you have received at the time, was £42,605.20 plus VAT which is £51,126.22 so please stop exaggerating because you don’t want to use them."
Wrong.....THE FACTS are:
01_Wade Quote 3 July 2012 £44,319 plus 20% Vat
Total £53,182. 80 (no extras)
plus additional items (using the cheaper £600 Painted Mail Pigeon Boxes) £10,557 plus 20% VAT
Total £12,668. 40
Grand Total for all works on 3 July 2012 Quote

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