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Hardly I would propose helpful, nor as requested, nor as agreed she would do at the Board Meeting and just one example of Mrs Hillgarth’s contrary and disruptive behaviour - and you will note our in- sistence on making clear lessees’ rights as regards having to pay the £2000 for
additional funding. One objection and all bets off as the works included non essentials, replace- ments and cosmetics, none of which can be forced on lessees unless in agreement to pay and that does get through on a majority - it has to be 100% - something which Mrs Hillgarth could not get through her thick skull and the root of the problems we had all been facing.
Another example of her continuing in this regard was:
In an email to all lessees dated 15 August 2014 again reminding lessees their rights, I wrote in response to:
“Management gather from Michele Hillgarth's email of 12th August and copied to all lessees, that she and a supposed majority of Lessees are in agreement to Flat 9's decor proposals to add a third colour to the internal's communal parts.
We are advised by the contractors, A&R Lawrence, this will raise their quoted and agreed costings to date by approximately £1875 to a revised total of £106,894. 38 (from £105,019.38).
Reserves will total £98,262.75 to include September's Quarter leaving a shortfall of £8,631.63 to fully pay for the works soon to be in hand. It is a legal requirement that
Management cannot proceed unless all required funds are in place to cover all agreed outgo- ings.
Consequently it will be necessary, as previously indicated by Management (see attached Section 20 notice dated 22nd June 2014), for all Lessees to contribute a total of £2000 each, spread over two quarters, September (£1000 additional funds) and December (£1000 addi- tional funds) to meet the shortfall and to have some funds available in
Reserves once the works are completed. Reserves cannot be left at zero funding.
All of which was well confirmed to Lessees in the Section 20 Notice dated 22nd June 2014 (attached)
We are obliged by law to confirm that any Lessee can make clear their objection to any addi- tional cost of a third colour, or indeed two colours, but they cannot object to the
additional funds to be demanded over the next two quarters, namely £2000 per Lessee.
If we receive any objections to a third colour and its additional cost of approximately £1875 Management will revert to A&R Lawrence's initial quoted costing of £105,019.38.
Lessees will receive the September Quarter's Demands totalling £1650 (the usual £650 plus the ad- ditional £1000 to reserves) and in due course, December's Quarter Demands of, again, £1650 - both of which will be required to be paid promptly please, or there will be a shortfall of Reserves for any contingencies/emergencies etc..
Due entirely to Mrs Hillgarth ...........this split over two Quarters was aborted and the full £2000 was included in the September Quarter’s Demand - due en- tirely to her refusal to pay and canvassing other lessees to also withhold pay- ment due to the Water Tank & TV/Sky install and if you need proof just ask
and I’ll send you two dozen emails!
This strict adherence to protecting lessees’ rights was yet further evidenced regarding the Water Tank fiasco with an email to lessees dated 27 September 2014 some 27 days into the works’ schedule:
PLEaSE rEFEr to variouS attaCHED “PDF/FuRtheR ReFeRenCes” in SuPPort oF arguMEnt

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