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P. 441

And indeed, I made no comment – I just waited for the next onslaught such as to view the books/accounts/etc when published – but none was forthcoming until 9 months later in late December. In fact one accusation levelled by her Solicitor was that certain [personal to lessees] invoices were not made available? That cannot be true as no lessee requested to view the accounts so how possibly can we be accused of non supply of invoices?
You note no mention of costs, inspection of documents, tawdry work, nor accusations of illicit workings or indeed suspicions nor any repeats of the various slurs and innuendos levelled at MHML and me in particular during the works and indeed since 2011...
The reason for that was simple. Mrs Hillgarth was fully aware of how the works programme and the works on the interior had been funded and accomplished, including works that I performed [all as already proven in reams of email correspondence copied to you since and including your 23 March 2016 letter].
What she couldn’t abide was what she ignorantly considered “the vulgar, cheap and unsuitable décor chosen by Mitre House Management Limited for the communal area (no comments required please).”
For Mitre House Management Limited, read Paul Brown-Constable. And for “vulgar, cheap and unsuitable décor”, read Caribbean Dawn and Waiting Room Green as opposed to white and taupe – nothing else as she was very content with the entire lift & enclosure in bronze as opposed to black or dark grey, being the preference of one lessee with whom she allied herself in pursuit of her vendetta – against myself.
As regards your reference to “my petties” and you again raising contentious, denied and totally irrelevant nonsenses, blackmail, intimidation, a fraudulent website and best of all, the alleged doctoring of the infamous 7 hour audio recording [or rather two seconds...?] of the equally infamous 23 May 2014 Board Meeting?
As I recall, blackmail was me insisting that Mrs Hillgarth should act like the MHML co- Director she was [until September 2014] and to set a good example to other lessees [with whom she had allied herself to the distinct disadvantage of MHML and her co-Directors including progressing an RTM application in 2013 which failed due to technical reasons she was well aware of, or should have been, or her Solicitors should have been. Mrs Hillgarth was obstructive, contentious and bent on causing MHML and myself maximum anxiety in our preparation and progressing of both general maintenance of Mitre House and more relevantly, the forthcoming major works’ programme scheduled finally for 1 September 2014.
Despite agreements and assurances from Mrs Hillgarth to comply with her fellow Director’s proposals as discussed in detail at the 23 May 2014 Board Meeting, she immediately canvassed and misinformed other lessees over various financial contributions required to adequately fund the forthcoming works causing yet further delays over and above those delays she had caused when progressing her RTM which was simply to engage her preferred contractor [Wade] whose workings she had requested they quote for were considered

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