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P. 501

I wouldn’t be wasting my time writing this letter nor you wasting your time reading it had the following been observed?
1_Had Mrs Hillgarth the sense to simply ask of you to request the 2014 Works’ invoices or indeed any documentation without adding a shopping list of scurrilous accusatory lies we would have had no valid reason to delay or refuse your request pre or post your deadline?
2_Had both you and Mrs Hillgarth had the sense to make arrangements, having set a deadline, to make either one of you available both pre or post deadline to acknowledge our offer to comply and for either you, your office or your client to receive the requested invoices?
3_Had Mrs Hillgarth the sense to accept one of MHML’s three or four offers to step aside and donate the Head Lease to her?
4_Had Mrs Hillgarth the sense to follow our advice to await publication of our YE2014 Accounts and make any inspection she wished to?
5_Had Mrs Hillgarth the sense to have resigned as a director of MHML prior to progressing an RTM application to have MHML removed as Management we would have had no reason to insist on her dismissal.
6_Had Mrs Hillgarth the sense to have admitted and subsequently honoured her agreement with her co-directors, to make savings to progress unaffordable items, at the 23 May 2014 Board Meeting and conducted herself in a professional and honourable manner during the works as opposed to being disruptive and disloyal and misinforming other lessees.
7_It is simply inconceivable that Mrs Hillgarth, or indeed any sane person, would not agree to making savings from workings you don’t want or need to spend on items you do want or need but were denied due to budget constraints - unless funds could be found - from savings?
8_Had Mrs Hillgarth complied with her lease covenants and desisted in signing off tenancy agreements maintaining all consents had been granted, most especially whilst a director of MHML, and consequently in conflict with her co-directors, resulting in a First Tier Tribunal reluc- tantly installing new management, both she and all other lessees would still be enjoying the benefit of managing Mitre House themselves in an economic and neighbourly manner.
9_It cannot be denied that MHML very substantially reduced annual outgoings for all lessees during its 6 year tenure, amounting to only £3000 per lessee in 2017, but subsequent to Mrs Hillgarth’s insistence on new management, all lessees are now paying £10,000 per annum.
10_It cannot be denied that the new management are doing nothing differently nor additionally to what MHML were doing save for MHML provided 24/7 on site attention and maintained and designed the interior communal areas to a high and artistic Chelsea dėcor.
11_Regrettably, somewhat predictably, Mrs Hillgarth considered the dėcor vulgar, cheap and unsuitable and made her concerns known in her usual litigious manner resulting in various other accusations including fraud and the theft of leaseholders’’ monies of £29,000....?
12_To date both MHML and director Paul Brown-Constable, whom Mrs Hillgarth considers the Devil incarnate, have denied, including those attached, and disproved all allegations made to date including the theft and fraudulent use of leaseholders’’ monies which we consider to be libellous subsequent to their notification to third parties including all lessees.
Please refer to attached “ADDENDUM/FURTHER REFERENCES” in suPPort of argument

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