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figures BUT without fees and contingencies for both WADE and A & R Lawrence, namely:
Wade Quote exactly as presented is £158,805 plus vat - therefore £190,566
A & R Lawrence Quote exactly as presented is £76,101 plus vat - therefore £91,321
BUT, A & R Lawrence's quote does NOT include WADE's additional £13,802 plus VAT for a super Terrazzo clean & repair.
Consequently, if we were to reduce WADE's quote by £13,802 plus VAT for fair comparison, it would then TOTAL £174,003 versus A&R Lawrence's £91,321
A difference of £82,682 - that's eighty two thousand, six hundred and eighty two pounds.
If, as you are suggesting, in fact insisting, we retain WADE as contractor for both Interior/Exterior, I think you'll find that the (A) and (B) proposals I suggested you refer to your majority of Lessees is now somewhat even MORE EXPENSIVE TO FUND.
I am somewhat at a loss to understand your insistence that the Externals are done next year and no attempt be made to put funds away to cover them until such time as the Internals are finished this year. Obviously, by doing as you suggest, once the WADE Internals are done and paid for (£42,562 incl. VAT, plus fees and misc contingencies, which would then total £50,173), from EXISTING RESERVES on 1st September this year (totalling approx £95,700 in bank on 1st Sept) the Reserves will require funding to the tune of £110,085 so as to fully pay for WADE EXTERNALS totalling £155,612 incl. VAT and fees and contingencies.
I leave you and your fellow majority to do the maths as regards raising £110,085 split between 9 Lessees once Internals are finished in late October this year and one presumes, your suggested Externals schedule for September next year. My rough guess, (if you really are serious about waiting to fund Externals) are three Quarterly Demands (Jan, Mar, June 2015) of £4070 from each of all nine lessees, being considerable outlays over and above Management's more reasonable £650 per quarter per lessee and a total outlay per lessees of £12,210
I think it prudent to point out that ALL Quarterly Demands will still have to be issued with the normal £650 (£350 for Service Charge Account and £300 to Reserves) - which would add £650 to the above £4070 for the three Quarters, Jan, Mar & June 2015, making an outlay of £4720 per Lessee for 3 quarters (a total outlay per lessee over the 3 quarters of £14,160 as opposed to the usual £1,950)
As regards your other comments. KFH charged £265 to clear gutters ONCE. I've been doing it twice a year for £130 (and in fact did it for Flat 6 and Flat 9 even whilst KFH were the Agents at no charge... AND, Flat 1 advised a broken light switch which I repaired with an accredited electrician, for £185. I have on file the exact same switch repair/replacement invoice for £659 paid by our Agents, KFH in 2010. Do you still wish me to withdraw my cheap labour?
As regards your reference to Flat 9's email - I suggest you let them now do the maths again based on WADE's recent quote. I would add that it was ONLY Flat 9 who have replied to the (A) and (B) query (see below to refresh your memory) BUT FLAT 9's COMMENTS WERE SIMPLY DISPUTING MANAGEMENT FIGURES, SCHEDULES etc.
No one else commented nor replied meaning certainly Michele & Flat 9 are in agreement (but in agreement for WHAT?), so who is the majority - please let me know. WHO DOES AGREE TO THESE ADDITIONAL FUNDS BEING RAISED totalling £12,210 or £13,320 from each lessee, whether raised this year or next.... WHO AGREES to pay an additional £12,210 or £13,320. to fund WADE's quote for Internals/Externals?
It does require a 100% agreement for Management to accept anything other than the cheapest quote. So let's see who is a YES and who a NO.... quickly please.
Postscript: IF Michele insists on WADE's more extensive and expensive previous quote of £51,647.76 incl. VAT but again, not fees or contingencies, so would be nearer £60,000, this additional £10,000 to find would add £370 to the three quarterly demands as mentioned above, so making a quarterly outlay per lessee of £5090 (£4070, plus £650, plus £370) for 3 Quarters, Jan, Mar and June 2015 - or an additional £13,320 (£15,270 less 3 x £650) -
Don't forget Michele's request?
I would ask everyone copied in to reply to Management confirming their agreement to:
- Using Wade as the contractor for ALL the internal works.
- Delaying exterior works until 2015

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