Page 20 - 74_PBC to Begg_13-12-16 (22pp)
P. 20

From: Graffiti Editions Ink / Designers Subject: Re: Mitre House SW3
Date: 15 June 2016 at 10:35
To: A&R Lawrence Tony White
Thanks Tony -
No need to amend - just ignore the situation or you’ll go mad....
Still can’t believe you fell into her trap though - on your return, I’d certainly like to know how and when, as you knew the problems I faced with her...
Once we get a relatively confirmed week of dry weather (a very hot summer is predicted) the solar silvering on the roof can be done (Eddie and I discussed on his recent visit a couple of months ago - and Derek’s onto it too - so don’t worry - you’ll get paid (and if you decide that Richard is going to amend that statement, let me know as some references re monies due etc are wrong - Leo sent me the invoice on 8 September 2015 and I replied saying no problemo just awaiting an opportune time to do works - and those references to me sending two lots of snagging lists is not true - I never sent anything, as I only received a copy of Derek’s snagging list on 17 December as did you!
Where did she get all this nonsense from in the first place, tank, snagging lists, Nigel Brooks? Anyway don’t worry.... see you on return if I’m out on parole!
And don’t forget, I did design you some pretty impressive stationery as well as paying you promptly as well as getting you some work..... with friends like you, who needs enemies!
Enjoy your hols, Paul
On 15 Jun 2016, at 06:54, Tony White /AR Lawrence <> wrote:
You are correct about the tank,
I only said to Michel that I thought it was in the first draft which I did not retain as it was void.(she wrote the statement, I just signed) However I discovered on Monday that Richard had a scanned copy on his computer. Therefore I will amend.
Not likely to drown in the weather as I am basking in 90f heat.
I will formally respond to your email on my return.
In the mean time you could pay the overdue invoice.
Tony White
On 14 Jun 2016, at 18:03, Graffiti Editions Ink / Designers <> wrote:
Afternoon Tony -
Have just seen your correspondence (Witness Statement) with my favourite lady’s Solicitor.....Mr PFC Begg Esq
I can’t believe you could have done that without referral to me.
It’s written as though we were enemies as opposed to, what I considered, pretty good pals. I did after all, not only give you a pretty good ride here during the works, but then got you further work at Egerton....!
I didn’t ask for anything, or receive anything, including a thank you....!
To be fair everything (well almost) you’ve said in your witness statement is true and nothing you’ve said hadn't already been well explained to lessees well prior to the commencement of works and more recently to Solicitor Begg (innumerable times in our lengthy correspondence since they started on me in March this year...).
No doubt you will recall my advice to steer clear of the usual suspects at Mitre House!
Re: finances and maths - the final amounts for all tenders on the final approved Section 20 included vat and fees - and yes your total of £105,019 was exactly that and included Surveyors fees etc as did all other costs on the s.20 for each company -the amounts stated for all tenders actually included everything, including everything that wasn’t in Derek’s Schedule of Works and in your’s or anyone else’s tender cost, such as the electrics et etc
The only two items I take umbrage at is reference to avoiding/not paying/delaying the snagging final invoice of £1590 odd.
That’s pretty unfair as even Eddie will agree that we were all simply awaiting dry ruddy weather as the

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