Page 20 - ref C_PBC to BEGG Prejudice PLUS
P. 20

3_ rabbit out the hat is actually very true, but a rabbit they seem unhappy with despite it solving all problems, budget wise and management's voting etc
4_references to Management's Internals' Proposal (I presume they refer to our £25,000 budget first mooted months ago) are totally irrelevant and redundant.
5)_this £25,000 proposal was in response to your two original £60,000/£45,000 WADE quotes (July 2012 and January 2013).
6_Flat 9 have obviously not realised that all tender/quotes incl. WADE, Benitor & A&R Lawrence are for BOTH Internal & External works. And as well explained, do not include much of the Internals workings listed on both WADE's two £60,000/£45,000 quotes, not Management's initial £27,000, then £35,000, then £25,000 budgets.
7_Segar and I were under the impression after our 23rd May meeting that you were to advise all Lessees that you had agreed to adopting our cheapest quote from A&R Lawrence despite it not including much of your desired cosmetics as on your two £60,000/£45,000 WADE quotes sourced by you in July 2012 and Jan 2013. We mentioned that it would obviously take some explaining having held up the process for 2 years and ending up with far less Internals' workings than you and your fellow (majority) Lessees had been stubbornly insisting upon - let alone sourcing a late final Internals/Externals quote from WADE that was over twice the cost of almost all our other 5 tenders/quotes and certainly our cheapest!
8_references to Management's initial (now admittedly old 2012, much like WADE's first and HEMI's in 2012) quotes is baffling. It is well documented that Management had sourced all required quotes ahead of the vote on 31st May 2012 and your meeting on 13th June 2012. It is, though, good to hear that the good services of the are at last being utilised - admittedly nearly two years after launch and obviously a total misunderstanding of what are original quotes and new quotes.
9_it is laughable that Flat 9 complain that these initial quotes (Nov 2011-March 2012) were obtained outside of the recent Internals/Externals tender process. Obviously, as they were sourced two years before this recent Internals/Externals tender process was instigated in July 2013 (and these old 2011/2012 quotes relied on our Surveyor Specifications for Internals dated February 2012 and copied to all Lessees but ignored) to be adopted within the initial £27,000 budget for Internals, to be executed and finished by October 2012.... yes, October 2012, just Internals... but due to your contrariness, they are now having to done concurrently with Externals. Not Management's fault!
10_reference is made to the lack of reserves despite you knowing (as should Flat 9 had they perused the 9 year analysis) that reserves have well maintained their 9 year average of £10,000 pa
11_Management have often mentioned why their advice to retain (three to date) year end surpluses in reserves as opposed to refunding back to Lessees was bafflingly ignored. Again, that is probably your misleading advice to Lessees. That's where any shortages can be attributed to - not Demands! They have been the same as KFH, and previous to them. It's only crazy proposed budgets that create shortages, not sensible budgeting and living within your means and more pertinently, the means of others!
12_I am somewhat surprised that Flat 9 have not mentioned their sourcing of yet another tender/quote from Grangewood. We await their final figure and if that is the cheapest quote we have yet another dilemma - accept it or not? I'm sure you'll advise your fellow Lessees and let Management know. We'll await developments.
Anyway, despite Management's total confidence in the competence of Benitor and certainly the validity of their quote, Management are more than happy to agree to Flats 1, 3, 5, 8 and 9's insistence that Benitor's quote is indeed invalid due to their reasons stated in their letter and agreed to 100% by those mentioned and should not be adopted, and as such, A&R Lawrence should still be adopted as originally and validly announced in the 27th May Section 20.
We are obliged to accept Flats 1,3,5,8 & 9's accusation of the invalidity of Benitor's quote so as to circumvent the requirement of a third Section 20 announcing the proposal to adopt a quote that is not the cheapest (ie Benitor). In normal circumstances, the cheapest is usually automatically adopted without further reference to Lessees. In this instance, it is now A&R Lawrence who will be contracted/adopted as requested by Flats 1, 3, 5, 8 and 9. We are presuming, in the absence of comment, that Flat 4 is content with the situation and adoption of A&R Lawrence.
The additional amounts required from each of all Lessees based on A&R Lawrence's quote will be finally calculated once exact figures are established as to the final cost of all works, vat and fees. It will be in the region of £1000 each to cover initial quoted costs, plus an additional £1000 - £2000 to cover additional workings if required and to have some funds in reserves for normal emergencies, maintenance etc.
Of course if Flat 9's Grangewood quote comes in under A&R Lawrence we would be more than happy to again oblige as indeed Grangewood are one of the UK's most respected builders - probably, though, still with a share capital of £100...! If anybody did NOT receive the June Quarterly Demands' pdf or are insisting on their right to have hard copies by snail mail - let me know - despite requesting safe receipt, only Flats 2, 4, 5 and 6 have confirmed! We need prompt reimbursement please to keep to schedule and afford A&R Lawrence's costings.
Hopefully Flats 1, 3, 5, 8 & 9 are now content and I hope we can now proceed with no further COMMENT, complaints, queries and insinuations permitting Management to progress the works as economically and efficiently as possible. A revised final agreed Section 20 Notice of A&R Lawrence's adoption is attached below.
Inform your insurers of scaffolding to be erected as of Sunday 31st August 2014 for 14 weeks and fingers crossed......

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