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                                          TICKLING THE
Saucy not sleazy – that’s the flavour
of a sexy new British comedy, I Want Candy
Sexsells,sotheysay. Forevidenceyouneedonlylookattheworld of advertising, or indeed movies, where the biggest stars have invariably been fashioned from the most appealing sex symbols. And in a more permissive age the sex on sale becomes ever more literal, so that the film industry and the shady world of pornography
enjoy a relationship not unlike Messrs Jekyll and Hyde.
That theme reverberates throughout the racy but pleasingly chaste
British comedy, I Want Candy, a tale of two movie-making wannabes who reckon they can fast-track their ambitions by making a high class porn film that plays to the masses.
“A friend and I had that idea,” recalls producer Piers Thompson, “that you could break into the movie industry by making a porn film that crossed over. The girl who was sat with us leant across the table and said, ‘what’s funny is the idea of you two making a porn film’. And that clicked through the gears; we sold it very quickly off that basic tagline.”
I Want Candy tells of two film school hopefuls, director Baggy
(Tom Burke) and tyro producer Joe (Tom Riley) who play out Thompson’s wistful daydream for real. Only they promise the very dodgy character (played by Eddie Marsan) who finances their effort that they can guarantee box office appeal by securing the services of the adult industry’s hottest star, Candy Fiveways (Carmen Electra).
continued over
   Photo main: Carmen Electra as Candy Fiveways in I Want Candy; above l-r: Tom Riley; Carmen Electra; with John Standing and Eddie Marsan
Fujifilm Motion Picture • The Magazine • Exposure • 11

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