Page 27 - Fujifilm Exposure_37 Candy_ok
P. 27

                                            THE DP VIEW
 or me, visually the film divid- ed into two very specific looks. Obviously I’d seen films that had been shot on Fujifilm and so was aware of the dif-
ference, but I guess I hadn’t felt com- petent enough before to work with the new stock. This, I felt, was the ideal opportunity.
A lot of Mr Polly is shot in flash- back and I ordered it on the basis of using Fujifilm for that. Because I didn’t really have time for tests, I decided to shoot the first scene of the film using both stocks, switching them around halfway through.
When I looked at the results, it seemed to me to work best using it the other way around with the Eterna 250D and Eterna 500T for the then present day portion of the story. I was very happy with the results. ■
Photo main: Lee Evans as Mr Polly; above: on the set of The History Of Mr Polly; Director Gillies MacKinnon (far left) with co-stars Lee Evans and Julie Graham; DP Nigel Willoughby (behind the camera); Roger Lloyd Pack, Evans and Anne-Marie Duff; cast and crew on location
Fujifilm Motion Picture • The Magazine • Exposure • 25
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