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In your email dated 13 February 2019: in addition I would like to add a further question (Ques- tion 8) as follows:
8. I notice that payments from MHML’s Priceplan XS account No 23433668 at Lloyds Bank Chelsea are invariably made by debit card or bank transfer. However a small number of payments are made by cheque. Oddly the bank statements do not name the beneficiary/recipient of these cheques. [yes indeed a very weird Lloyds anomaly] Please can you tell me to whom the following cheques (totalling some £10,627) were paid and whether you were (as I believe) the sole cheque signatory drawing cheques on this MHML bank account: ***
Cheque No 000028 21 Feb 2014 / 395.00 (Accountants fees YE2013)
Cheque No 000029
Cheque No 000030
Cheque No 000031
Cheque No 000032
Cheque No 000033
Cheque No 000034
Cheque No 000035
Cheque No 000036
Cheque No 000037
Cheque No 000038
Cheque No 000039
Cheque No 000040
Cheque No 000041 24 June 2015 / 884.70 (Pimlico Plumbers/PBC)
21 Feb 2014 / 695.00 (Accountants fees YE2013)
19 June 2014 / 1,971.60 (Benitor / Flood Damage - Correct) 22 Sept 2014 / 2,323.00 (MHML Corp Tax)
9 Oct 2014 / 750.00 (Flat 1 Windows)
22 Oct 2014 / 2,650.00 (Dima Intl/Lease Ext)
22 Oct 2014 / 250.00 Dima Intl/Invoice paid
30 Oct 2014 / 114.00 (refund PBC as paid PRS)
20 April 2015 / 450.00 (Refund to client for overpayment)
6 May 2015 / 145.00 (Mrs Hillgarth/Damage Repairs)
Pemberton Professionals invoice No: 9931 of 30 September 2015 for £1080 (Accountants)
Please can you also advise if cheques 000034, 000036 and 000038 were drawn, and if so by whom and to whom.
*** Either or, myself or one other, but all above by me.
And finally, in your 19 January letter there is yet again a computation (probably the fourteenth to date from both you and Mrs Hillgarth) as to your main bête-noire of funds disappearing? To put an end to further guesswork or in truth simply being contrary to suit a nit-picking innuendo as well ex- plained further below: please note:
£98,364 (approx) in the bank (yes indeed £102 out on my guesstimate on s.20) Plus £18000 (£2000 x 9)
Plus £12858 (Tank & TV)
Making funds available of £129,222 approx
Less AR Lawrence Total £63,600
Less Surveyors Total £10,513
Less Tank & TV Total £11,256
Less Savings Costs Spent & MHML Works Total £31,756 Grand Costs Total £117,125
Less funds available of £129,222 approx Result: £12,097
Plus not paid Creditor AR Lawrence (a) £7418 Plus not paid Creditor AR Lawrence (b) £1590 Plus Debtors £4563
Less Creditors £9467
Result (Reserves carried forward) £16,201
Your email dated 15 February 2019 @11.54 -
“It now seems clear what you personally have done, and the evidence is there to prove it. But there are further queries that do need to be answered. In particular how it has been pos- sible for two qualified accountants as directors and a firm of professional auditors to pro-
PLEaSE rEFEr to variouS attaCHED “PDF/FuRtheR ReFeRenCes” in SuPPort oF arguMEnt

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