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Mrs Hillgarth’s previous Solicitors after the abortive RTM affair in 2013] almost the first duty of a manager would be to ensure full compliance with all terms of leases, leaving Mrs Hillgarth in pretty much the same situation as she finds herself at present.
I can envisage her correspondence already with the new manager!
I can confirm that the above facts and answers are all made by me in my capacity as a Director of MHML and made on behalf of my two fellow co-directors whom certainly do not have copies of emails on their equipment to anywhere near the same extent that I am supposed to have. Your reference to Mr Raja of Dima International is totally irrelevant [and indeed any reference to Mr Karupiah as well] as they left the running and maintenance of Mitre House to me and as such any responsibility, criminal action, fraud, abusiveness, deceit, incompetence or anything else you have made reference to in your 13pp letter of 23 March 2016 must be laid at my door and nobody else’s.
Mr Raja and Mr Karupiah, due to their other professional [with qualifications] commitments had neither the time nor inclination nor patience to deal with the day-to-day rantings of Mrs Hillgarth doing as she did round-robin emails to all lessees which were totally irrelevant to both Messrs Raja and Karupiah as regards MHML company business [save for legitimate requests for company meetings etc, all of which were replied to graciously and promptly].
Messrs Raja and Karupiah tried, admittedly unsuccessfully save for threatening to bar Mrs Hillgarth’s email receipts, to convince Mrs Hillgarth of the irrelevance to them of her running/maintenance/internals/externals queries which would better served if communicated to myself for dealing with. Mrs Hillgarth did not accept these requests nor advice and continued in her usual manner to bombard Messrs Raja and Karupiah with irrelevancies and not as you appear to be intoning, important matters requiring Messrs Raja and Karupiah immediate attention to sort [with Mr Raja in Ilford and Mr Karupiah in the City] – whereas I was at Mitre House earning my £7.50 a day.
Please find attached to this report one relevant email dated 6 June 2014 which somewhat fortuitously lists every relevant point raised [and answered] by Mrs Hillgarth from 2008 until 2014 with most relevance being those points referencing many if not all of your queries and our responses, but we admit nothing subsequent to Internals/Externals nor budgets nor costs nor voting percentages and preferences but nevertheless thoroughly evidences our replies above.
Yours sincerely,
P.F.C.Begg Solicitor
Segar Karupiah (Flat 2)
Jamil Raja (Flat 6)(Dima International Limited)

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