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them held 25% of the shares of MHML. As I will describe below, I was subsequently dismissed from of- fice by the other three directors on 18 September 2014, although to this day I continue to hold 25% of the MHML shares. The causes and consequences of this rupture are explained in the paragraphs below.
(comment/reply) More accurately “voted off the board of directors for disloyalty, deceitfulness, in- competence and rank obstructiveness” using Mrs Hillgarth’s failed application for an RTM in full knowledge that it could not have succeeded due to the commercial 25% footprint of the build- ing, a fact she had advised all Lessees in 2011 when she investigated the purchase of the free- hold. Yet she still proceeded and dragged in some other lessees entailing them in substantial costs and delaying our works’ schedule by 12 months.
Her lapse of memory again comes to mind.
Following the purchase of the head lease by MHML no properly qualified managing agent was ever ap- pointed, and since January 2012 MHML has (through Mr BrownConstable) been managing the block it- self and imposing, as part of the overall service charge for the block, an MHML management charge to its own leaseholders/tenants. Initially I acquiesced in these arrangements, albeit very reluctantly. How- ever the imposition of these MHML management charges has been contentious, particularly as most of the leaseholders (including myself) have been extremely dissatisfied with the manner in which Mr Brown-Constable has conducted the management. It is far from clear that MHML or Mr Brown-Consta- ble are actually entitled to manage the block (they are not supposed to conduct a business from the premises), but the leaseholders have had no choice but to go along with the arrangements imposed on them and have been paying the management charges levied by MHML.
10 MHML starts to manage the block
(comment/reply) MHML have never received one single request for any documentation from our 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 year end accounts until Mrs Hillgarth’s request for documents from our 2014 Accounts but a request that was outside of the 6 month statutory limit.
All lessees including myself and Mrs Hillgarth are only paying £54 per annum more today per year than they were paying in annual service charges/reserves in 2011 with our previous Agents, KFH. That’s £54 more after 5 years and a £105,877 major works overhaul in 2014.
Mr Brown-Constable charges £10 a day to MHML for 24/7 porterage/concierge/oddjob man. MHML charges (in 2016) a total fee of £4995 to the Service Charge account (as advised in the an- nual pre-year Budget) from which his £3650 (£10 per day) is paid on a quaterly basis.
11In May 2016, and no doubt in response to our complaint that MHML were running a business from Mitre House, the MHML letterhead was changed to suggest that MHML had a "Knightsbridge Bureau" at 7 Egerton Gardens, London SW3 2BP, a "Country Bureau" at Buckland Newton in Dorset, and an "Over- seas Bureau" in Kandy, Sri Lanka. This was plainly ridiculous. Having checked out these addresses given on the new letterhead we are now aware that the ones in Knightsbridge and Dorset are residen- tial premises belonging to an old girlfriend of Mr Brown-Constable. It is completely unthinkable that any MHML meetings are actually taking place there, despite Mr Brown-Constable saying so. The address in Sri Lanka appears to belong to one of Mr BrownConstable's partners in graphic design. Although I un- derstand Mr Brown-Constable may have intentions to holiday in Sri Lanka, it is ridiculous to describe this as the overseas office of MHML.
(comment/reply) oh dear - “old girlfriend” didn’t go too well....ask a silly question and you’ll get a silly answer - this is just typical tittle-tattle from Mrs Hillgarth after some silly complaints that my flat with a telephone, computer and printer is running anything other than 24/7 on site atten- tion to Mitre House affairs! I would welcome substantiating evidence of me saying “that any MHML meetings are actually taking place there.” This again smacks of scattergun accusations with no evidence whatsoever (references to requests from Mr Leigh Pemberton, Diego Fortunati etc come to mind, both of where have been proved untrue).

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