Page 191 - The Big Begg_1
P. 191
From: Mitre House Management Ltd []
Sent: 27 July 2014 11:25
To: Fortunati, Diego - GCIB LDN; Sigg - Hillgarth Michele; Leigh-Pemberton Christopher Subject: Mitre House Lighting update
Diego -
Sincere apologies - but I have only just spotted your Flat 9's continuing email text beneath your requested lighting units (email dated 22 July @ 16.01)
For clarification, I reproduce the section I neglected to respond to below with comments:
As said before, I believe we have already gone through this process many times in the last years and have already voted and decided the general style of the interiors (classic, see previous correspondence).
My vote is in line with what already agreed by the majority of lessees and therefore any non reply should be considered as an agreement with the majority.
You are kindly invited to acknowledge it (even if in disagreement with what you would personally like) and keep track of what already decided in order to avoid any further waste of time for all Lessees.