Page 241 - The Big Begg_1
P. 241

Limited with your assistance from day one. As is well documented, you have not been a team player and have, as far as I can recall, disagreed with every decision, idea, commitment and comment made, certainly by myself, and indeed your other fellow directors, culminating as it did in you leading an RTM against your own company.
And you don't even live at Mitre House, nor indeed do any of your fellow (majority) conspirators, whereas some of us do, and we that do have as much, if not more, interest in Mitre House's decor and upkeep and the ongoing added value it brings to the marketability of our properties, which sadly last quarter only only saw a miserly 3.2% increase in Chelsea values as opposed to 12.8% in ruddy Marylebone and Islington...even Knightsbridge is only 3% up.
We're all facing ruin. Comments to all above please by this evening so the meeting can proceed on schedule and be finished by Bank Holiday Monday lunchtime.
PS THREE PDFS ATTACHED - please read them carefully from desktop -

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