Page 271 - The Big Begg_1
P. 271
least I was perturbed as had someone got sick we would have been in trouble – we, not Mrs Hillgarth...
As such I requested an immediate quote for a new tank made accessible with scaffolding in place [but for how long and required for a half ton metal tank] – received the quote and advised lessees – which appears to be a Friday evening – I can’t recall as in shock basically thinking yet another problem to sort and another round of complaints innuendos etc
Anyway, despite the expected complaints ranging from it’s a set up, to why didn’t the Surveyor check the tank [which is not his responsibility, nor is the lift] and Management’s strict repeated proviso, as we had done re: the TV Sky install, that if all agreed we could do without a S.20 due to the urgency etc.
As is well documented in your lengthy letter, my comment [unacceptable as it is to a lady] to Mrs Hillgarth on her reticence to pay and advising others also not to pay resulted in me advising all flats [tenants and lessees] and shops of our predicament and the inherent dangers.
That did the trick and all paid up awaiting no doubt, in Mrs Hillgarth’s case, her opportunity to deny everything I have explained above but I can substantiate all above including we received a useful discount on the tank due to the scaffolding still in situ – the quote, to be on the safe side, was for dedicated scaffolding as to that in situ – and no, the discount went straight back into the building’s interior for yet more workings not on the Surveyor’s Schedule of Works.
The comment about requiring an S.20 and return illegally requested and received funds is denied – unless of course I was not allowed to get 100% agreement and proceed anyway without the necessity for a S.20, in which case guilty.
Reference to [various] ways to pay for TV Sky etc was simply me trying to get interest, but how to pay now for something we won’t get reimbursed for some months....and Reserves were too low as nobody was paying their £2000 – a perfect storm.
The funds, £18000 from all lessees (9x £2000), the tank and TV Sky totalling £12858 all/both went to Reserves as indicated in the YE2014 accounts – where else would they go?
What constitutes a false premise in this instance?
As regards; This compounded a similar unscheduled “emergency” on 10 August 2014 when leaseholders were advised that: “due to some emergency electric works following our recent electrical report, electricians will be attending Mitre House for a week and whilst various other electrical works are carried out as a further economy measure”. This had “only become apparent on Friday 8th[August] and best to get out of the way before major works commence on 1st September.” These electrics were “not included in the A&R Lawrence quote”.
Simply doing the electrics prior to commencement of works [something Mrs Hillgarth was incapable of understanding that certain works are done prior to other works] – she might have noted cheap tacky charity shop lampshades on all lights until our full works were finished – why? We didn’t want our lovely new lights in situ during the works but to install all when done so to protect new fitments, light switches, emergency lighting both internally