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definition, jeopardising the safety and security of Mitre House and for all we know, the country at large in these tricky times. It would also appear that despite frequent requests for Mrs Hillgarth to comply with her lease covenants, both prior to her Directorship of MHML, during her Directorship of MHML and believe it or not subsequent to her Directorship of MHML, she stubbornly ignores requests and indeed must be signing off Tenancy Agreements stating that she has indeed requested and received permission as any standard Tenancy Agreement well evidences.
I furthermore handed over a cheque for the water tank for £867.87, cheque number 102478.
The police officer witnessed this process. It also seemed slightly unprofessional to be asking the officer if he knew a friend of yours in the police force who would be his superior. The officer replied no.
You are incapable of telling the truth, you are a bully, and a liability in terms of the management of our building. You are trying to blackmail us, intimidate us, and treating us as if we are incapable and stupid is not going to solve anything.
And my reply same day 6 October: (5 weeks now into the 2014 works’ schedule):
Michele -
It is only you and Flat 4 to pay arrears in full - everybody else has obliged.
It's only you, Flat 4, 8 and 9 that have not paid their voluntary TV install
It's only Flat 4 and 8 that have not paid their voluntary tank money
As previously indicated, if you do pay both arrears £2000 and tv install £593 plus the £250 to rein- stall Stella's dish then all will be well. And £50 for your two spare keys - a Grand Total of £2893.
If I don't hear back that you confirm agreement to all above, and receive your payment totalling £2893 to include everything above by Wednesday I must inform your tenant/Stella regarding the Tank if only to cover our legal obligations re Health & Safety etc. (my com- ment) you state: To be specific you were making an unwarranted demand (namely that Mrs Hillgarth should collect on your behalf the additional cash calls to the other lessees) with men- aces (namely that if she failed to do so you would, amongst other things, “snip" her tenant's aerial and advise her tenant to withhold her rent). And you did that, as is now apparent, with a view to making a gain for yourself. That is blackmail, and you were unwise enough to do it in writing. The evidence is there on the record for all to see. Based on the above email conversations, you are kidding me and the court officers surely?
TV install proceeds on Friday and entry will be required by you if necessary (or if not possible, I can do at your convenience - I mean the install etc on the interior).
Confirm by return please failing which I will have to deliver the letter to Stella this evening for safety's sake - (my comment) does that appear to be: as you are accusing, proof of “blackmail” and (that if she failed to do so you would, amongst other things, “snip" her tenant's aerial and advise her tenant to withhold her rent - with a view to making a gain for yourself. That is blackmail, and you were unwise enough to do it in writing. The evidence is there on the record for all to see. (comment) Based on the above email conversations, you are kidding me and the court officers, that “for safety’s sake” is telling her tenant to withold her rent? I must admit though that I did mention to Mrs Hillgarth and Mr Diego (Flat 9) that were they (Mrs Hillgarth or Mr Diego) in a position of renting a flat (as their tenants were doing) with a pos- sible health & safety issue over the water supply, and their landlord did not inform them or indeed agree to an equitable speedy solution, then they might, if advised it was to take three months to sort (ie a Section 20 Notice procedure or indeed an application for dispen- sation) decide to withold their rent until such time as the problem was fixed - I also drew up a Notice for MHML to advise all lessees and tenants of the problem as indeed we were legally obligated to do so, but that Notice was not required to be sent as relevant lessees made their own arrangements for their tenants’ information. And of course agreed to pay their agreed voluntary contribution for the replacement Water Tank - hardly blackmail?
So exactly where does: “advising her [Mrs Hillgarth’s] tenant to withhold her rent - with a view to making a gain for yourself”. come about - and for what gain?

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