Page 301 - The Big Begg_1
P. 301
I did NOT refuse you a key but said I did not have a key yet. A comprehensive fortnightly works update will be sent to all lessees over the w/end which will include your Comments Book observa- tions as I note you consider your comments to be also agreed by Flats 1, 3, 4, 8 and 9.
But significantly, the only lessees to have paid their Quarterlies to date are the three who opposed spending additional funds over Reserves in hand. Those lessees like yourself that agreed to spend a small fortune despite Management's numerous warnings, are now on call to oblige.
(further comment/reply) So please no more comments along the lines of ALL those made to date since your initial letter of 23 March 2016 and our offer to comply despite your out of time request to view documents from the 2014 accounts period (why wait 12 months before doing so anyway unless simply being awkward?) -
And our offer remaining unacknowledged due to your pneumonia and Mrs Hillgarth tripping in the Sahara indicating just how pressing and important were the demands!
If we had any reservations whatsoever to showing documents from the 2014 period we would hardly have kindly agreed to do in the light of not having been obligated to do so anyway or making clear to all lessees that once 2014 accounts were published all and any documents would be available to peruse! Most especially Mrs Hillgarth’s for original supplier invoices!
So please, no more bleating about your pneumonia and trips to the Sahara which you can prove in court (we can prove you made a mountain out of a molehill) - you haven’t even been able to answer in any shape or form the queries raised by ourselves on some of the ridiculous lies and innuendos raised in your correspondence to date. Not one.
Shortly after the work started your surveyor instructed Tony White of AR Lawrence to cut down
the scope of the project without any explanation. (my comment) - plenty of explanation due to non payment of some lessees’ £2000 we had insufficient funds requiring a re-adjustment to works’ affordable - all as described elsewhere in this response. (You have already seen Mr White's wit- ness statement). You knew all along you were going to do exactly that, but you wanted to get the lessees off your back. So you accepted the contractor approved by the lessees, and then
covertly did some of the work yourself (not disclosing to the lessees that you had reduced the
scope of AR Lawrence's brief). You did this in order to siphon off money for yourself. lt was
only after you had been caught in the act that you made up all this nonsense about the savings
you were making for the lessees‘ benefit. And it was only when you had to explain why the
lessees were not going to see the benefit of these savings, that you made up a lot of further nonsense about the “additional work" that Mrs Hillgarth had apparently been insisting on.
(comment/reply): Pure supposition.... guesswork, innuendo yet again - “covertly” did some of the work yourself.......You did this in order to siphon off money for yourself......caught in the act that you made up all this nonsense about the made up a lot of further nonsense about the “additional work" that Mrs Hillgarth had apparently been insisting on. Read this yet again:
Mrs Hillgarth’s reference to the 13 Sept 2014 email is basically “game set and match” as both you and she cannot possibly be making the various accusations you have been making to date: (attached ref game, set & match)
One third down the email is 3_Notes on the WORKS to date:
“Since the scaffolding commenced installation on Sunday 31st August, exactly two weeks ago, dead on schedule, Management have already saved Lessees £1177.56 OFF the agreed and budgeted £105, 019. (comment) note reference to “savings made” - begs the question for what? But none was received.
This has been accomplished by Management doing various workings which could be done at a more economical cost (in brief, shop signage (COSTED (Contingency) BY A.R. LAWRENCE FOR £800 plus vat which Management have produced for £125.......and tidying up visible wiring and making Meter Cupboards which A.R.Lawrence costed at £922 plus Vat for 3 meter cupboards and Management have produced same for £648 incl vat but TO ALSO INCLUDE BOXING IN THE (some) LOOSE INTERNAL WIRING on all three floors).