Page 310 - The Big Begg_1
P. 310

certainly took no notice of Management's numerous warnings as to additional funding requirements.
And do some lessees actually think that Management are so dishonest and devious as to attempt only asking certain lessees for funding. It's almost too pathetic to respond to.
Please reply by return as regards your windows and preferences re: tv install. Failing which your win- dows will not be repaired, will be painted closed making them almost inoperable until eased and tv cabling will be left tidily coiled outside your bedroom and sitting room windows for your personal install at your convenience at a later date - and expense.”
OK, on top of the additional electrics there are a number of other small additional items you also claim to have done - "artifacts grills (whatever that may mean), the handrails, various interior woodworks, changing the rear lacks, and buttoning on interior cupboards" (whatever that may mean) - but hardly anything which could justify a fee of over thirty times the £1,000 expenditure that your e-mail of 11 September 2014 had led Mrs Hillgarth to expect. Despite providing an ostensibly impressive list, with the highly improbable sweeper of "probabIy a lot more", you have failed to identify any work carried out by yourself or your sub—contractors that could possibly justify such a substantial payment. And in addition to this there is nearly £20,000 which — unless the accounts were simply wrong — still remains unaccounted for. Where did that go?
(comment/reply):....e-mail of 11 September 2014 had led Mrs Hillgarth to expect..... I cannot fathom anything in the 11th September email nor the repeated 13th September email (identical in facts stated re finances) that can possibly be interpreted as but hardly anything which could justify a fee of over thirty times the £1,000 expenditure that your e-mail of 11 September 2014 had led Mrs Hillgarth to expect.
Here is the 11 September email to Mrs Hillgarth to which you refer:
11 September 2014
You're late my dear.... and cost me a lunch!
My bet was you'd be back with troublesome queries by midnight the day you visited!
I have already advised Flat 9 who posed the exact same queries that Management are proceeding on schedule on budget and best they await the finished workings throughout the building and once accounts are published, they can peruse all aspects.
I was not going to send the following information until Sunday, but seeing as you've posed the query, it seems an opportune to send it now. But I can safely assure you that I personally am NOT doing the works solo...... they are being done by your preferred contractor A.R. Lawrence for the agreed budget of £115,019. [typo £105,019)
I have, though, done the lift, which is NOT included in the Surveyor's Specifications, as advised to you in a previous email after your visit (I attach the quote (£11,602 incl. vat) to do what I have succeeded in doing for under £200 of spray paint. In fact I've actually done more than their quote specified, consider- ably more!)
Since the scaffolding commenced installation on Sunday 31st August, exactly two weeks ago, Management have already saved Lessees exactly £1177.56 OFF the budgeted £105, 019.
This has been accomplished by Management stepping in and doing various workings which we knew could be done at a more economical cost (in brief, shop signage (COSTED BY A.R. LAWRENCE FOR £800 plus vat which Management have produced for £125.......and tidying up visible wiring and making Meter Cupboards which A.R.Lawrence costed at £922 plus Vat for 3 meter cupboards and Management have produced same for £648 TO ALSO INCLUDE BOXING IN THE LOOSE WIRING).
This initial saving of £1177.56 will not however be reimbursed to lessees at the end of the works, as Management will utilise this first of many savings, to progress works on the interior NOT included in the Surveyor's Specifications (such as the lift workings).
In brief, Management are attempting, and will succeed, in presenting the interior decor of Mitre House to a standard not even envisaged by most lessees, at no additional cost to lessees over and above the agreed £105,019 budget. This will be achieved by making small savings where possible, common sense, hard work and a great deal of thought.

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