Page 315 - The Big Begg_1
P. 315
Subsequent to the above (all around mid/late October 2014, some 6-7 weeks into the works programme - indicating somewhat the reasons for some flowery correspondence from MHML in trying to adequately sort to everyone’s satisfaction including our contractors and suppliers to whom we were contracted to pay certain large sums of money which we did not have until now) - Mrs Hillgarth then turned her atten- tion back to complaining, despite correspondence from MHML well previously to even the commence- ment of the works programme and certainly during the first 6 weeks...making very clear cause and effect, consequences and situations requiring finalising and sorting. Funding!
MHML then proceeded to make adequate savings wherever possible from the agreed £105,019 budget to fund all the additional workings sourced in quotes by Mrs Hillgarth, agreed at meetings in June 2012 and again in November 2012 and all as well described in correspondence to Lessees from early 2012 if not before and most recently in September 2014 with updates on the works programme in hand.
Those savings amounted to £31,756 (by making sure no contingencies were abused or used by our con- tractor unnecessarily - which they weren’t thanks to MHML’s project management skills and by doing certain workings far cheaper than that quoted and costed by contractors.
The monies saved were then used to buy in all the supplies, contractors, labour and talent to execute all the additional works quoted by Wade and Hemi on Mrs Hillgarth’s list of requirements, and in fact accom- plish far more than either Mrs Hillgarth nor her Wade and Hemi quotes itemised.
Mrs Hillgarth’s concerns are that these additional works were project managed by MHML, accomplished by MHML, funds saved from the £105,019 were distributed by MHML to suppliers, various contractors, online purchases, retail purchases etc etc including some workings done by MHML personnel as their rates were cheaper than buying in more expensive sub-contractors.
Just exactly what is the problem with that if the monies were saved (they were), and spent on required supplies (they were), and anybody including MHML personnel who did any workings was paid a living wage for doing so?
What Mrs Hillgarth cannot abide is that Paul Brown-Constable did some (not all, not even a majority, not even 10%) of the works, which she considers “shoddy DIY” whereas any sane intelligent grateful person (lessee) would consider a useful saving and a thoroughly commendable neighbourly effort.
And we still have more than adequate funds in Reserves with the result that in 2017, Annual Service Charges/Reserves will drop from £900 per quarter to £750 as the soon to be published 2017 Budget makes clear once sent to all lessees on 1st December along with the first 2017 Quarterly Demands.
I hope that answers any queries from any lessee as to your ad nauseam requests for information apropos the financing of the 2014 works programme - admittedly ignoring your impertinent request of how much I charged for my workings, whether or not the Water Tank and TV/Sky installations took place and at what cost, why we didn’t delegate Surveyor’s Fees, AR Lawrence costs and Additional Savings Utilised (man- aged, not charged by or to or from MHML) on the 2014 Accounts (nit-picking irrelevancies as all was well described in the Notes within the Accounts which also included the £2000 contributions and the Water Tank../Sky/Tv contributions.
And no different from the way our previous Agents, KFH, presented their Accounts as well as the exam- ple I supplied you with from Knight Frank & Wellcome Trust...
I must stress that this is your last chance. Please make up your mind what you want to do by close of business on Friday 11 November and let me know.
(comment/reply): I am somewhat sick and tired of your constant threats and deadlines which you appear to throw about in the same fashion as the various slurs and accusations you make, all of which having little or indeed no regard whatsoever for accuracy or veracity.
In summary: I've now had enough of this ridiculous waste of time and lessees' money which your client will be billed for, (as no way will the lessees, including myself and my co-directors, be willing to con- tribute via the Service Charge), along no doubt with your fees and costs - and please no threats as to who can be billed and who can't because if I know Mrs Hillgarth as well as I've proved I do, you'll be lucky to get paid seeing as you've not only failed to advise her properly (the 6 month statute) but more perti- nently, appeared incapable of accepting a firm offer of compliance for particularly pathetic reasons: