Page 411 - The Big Begg_1
P. 411

  From: Graffiti Editions Ink / Designers Subject: Mitre House Proposals
Date: 30 March 2016 at 15:53
Bcc: Riad Samya
 Dear Lessees,
The attached email from Michele Hillgarth (including my response) in reply to Management’s Intruders alert of yesterday is without doubt the final straw.
Management have recently been advised that some lessees at Mitre House consider the management and maintenance of Mitre House to be totally incompetent.
We are also advised that some lessees at Mitre House require the Internal Decor to revert to white and taupe (a pale grey), with either black or grey (as before) lift doors, and all plants, artefacts, paintings and mirrors be removed.
As such, Management will consider funding a redecoration of the common parts at no cost to any lessee in white and taupe with grey or black lift doors and remove all other elements
Depending on certain lessees’ response to the above proposal, Management will consider its position and take appropriate action.
Lessees will appreciate that this ever present poisonous atmosphere over Mitre House and its management must be brought to a prompt and satisfactory to all, conclusion.
Management would welcome a simple YES I want it reverted and present Management to resign their position, or NO I prefer it and am content with present Management (or expressed as you prefer), from certain lessees to the above proposals.
Many thanks,
Mitre House Intruders Police 2016.pdf
Paul Brown-Constable / +44 207 589 7502 Mbl: +44 798 33 33 543 on behalf of the Directors of
7 Mitre House / 124 Kings Road / Chelsea / London SW3 4TP / email: management@mitrehouse,org
    This message, and any and all attachments, are for the intended recipient(s) only, and may contain information that
 is privileged, confidential and/or proprietary and is subject to important terms and conditions available at

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