Page 50 - The Big Begg_1
P. 50

Correspondence can be (has been) supplied to verify.
Mrs Hillgarth both perused the Surveyor’s Schedule of Works with costings from Wade and indeed AR Lawrence if not others, and was satisfied all were 100% identical and con- sequently Wade’s £219,000 quote was for exact same works as that quoted for by ar Lawrence for £105,000 with both including vat and fees.
Correspondence can be (has been) supplied to verify.
Subsequent to the meeting on 23 May we received an email from Mrs Hillgarth on 6 June 2014 @ 18.21 stating [amongst other idiocies] “The acknowledgement that the instructions given to the Surveyor by PBC were verbal. I would like it registered that the estimates provided are not “like for like” in my opinion, for example Wade has included several things such as lighting etc, which are not provided in some of the other quotes including the quote from AR Lawrence”
This statement evidences without a shadow of doubt that, along with your recent references to mail pigeon boxes and meter cupboards, Wade’s involvement etc, that neither you nor Mrs Hillgarth have any idea of what works’ were included to be done in our Surveyor’s Sched- ule of Works on which Wade finally quoted along with six other companies? Nor indeed the two initial Wade quotes nor the Hemi. Correspondence can be (has been) supplied to verify. The two initial Wade and the Hemi quotes included lighting and mail pigeon boxes/table and meter cupboards. Our Surveyor makes clear in his letter accompanying his tenders that no lighting is included as “you were taking care of it”. Again, along with all his correspon- dence, invoicing, tenders, breakdown analysis, Wade’s initial two, Hemi’s and the Surveyor’s Schedule of Works, plus all independent quotes, s.20 Notices, MHML design presentations, Schedule of Works [interior], £25,000 incl. vat costings were all on our greatly maligned and ignored for all to peruse and advised to do so on multiple occa- sions.
Correspondence can be (has been) supplied to verify.
References made to s.20 Notices, being either wrong, unruly or just downright incorrect is rubbish. All s.20 Notices were in fact incredibly detailed and had it not been for Mrs Hill- garth’s intransigence, her RTM, her canvassing of other lessees with a pack of lies and misinfor- mation, Internals would have been completed in 2012 for well under £35,000 if not less and the Externals in 2013 for hopefully well under £70,000 with identical workings, improve- ments, cosmetics and décor as accomplished in 2014 without the need for a £2000 contribu- tion from all nine lessees.
Correspondence can be (has been) supplied to verify.
As regards the panic Water Tank, all was accomplished legally and with all lessees’ full agreement and a good saving was made as indeed same for the TV/Sky install - it was again only Mrs Hillgarth’s bitching and again canvassing all lessees with misinformation and lies in pursuit of her vendetta against MHML, and made worse due to our insistence she comply with her lease covenants and desist in signing off tenancy agreements stating all consents had been obtained. Demanding a set of keys with a police officer in tow would get her sectioned in some countries, requesting her tenant to make malicious gossip for her sick mind to use as ammunition, spreading malicious lies such as MHML running an office from the basement, MHML purloining window repair monies, me having my flat refurbed at the cost of lease- holders by our contractors, AR Lawrence (and you now saying Benitor) in 2014 when my flat wasn’t refurbed until 2015 as is well evidenced by your latest snooping, my dear Holmes.
Mrs Hillgarth agreed to a call on lessees for a £2000 contribution to fund a £105,019 budget with only approx £98,262 in reserves, so hopefully leaving approx £11,243 in Reserves at end of works. In fact £16,201 was left in reserves after every penny owed [or to be paid] was ac- counted for admittedly in the way we wished to present the final outcome as opposed to your nit-picking obstinacy.

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