Page 70 - The Big Begg_1
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suppLementArY report to CitY oF London poLiCe
and to the insoLVenCY serViCe
mitre house management limited (“mhml”) – company no: 07731341
mitre house, 124 King’s road, london sW3 4tP (“mitre house” or “the Property”) directors of mhml: Paul Brown-constable, dima international limited (Jamil raja) and segar Karupiah (resigned 29 september 2016) (together “the directors”).
As we (mhmL) did - inCLuding VAt And Fees And to thAt CAn Be Added mrs hiLL- gArth’s insistenCee thAt interior And exterior workings shouLd not Be done ConCurrentLY As exterior workings required diFFerent skiLLs to those who do interiors And thAt no sAVings CAn Be ACCompLished BY hAVing one ContrAC- tor do Both interior And exterior ConCurrentLY - AgAin teLL thAt to our present Agents who Are progressing interior And exterior next YeAr with A smALL But useFuL sAVing And CertAinLY, As we AdVised, wouLd CAuse FAr Less disruption to residents to get ALL works AwAY in one go As opposed to oVer two YeArs?
just two exAmpLes oF Your CLient’s ignorAnt And AnnoYing oBserVAtions CommuniCAted Ad nAuseAm oVer 24 months to other Lessees, whom to Be FAir to her, swALLowed the Lot, dAY AFter dAY, month AFter month But interest- ingLY not one ConFirmed in writing (or VerBALLY) to mAke the required Addi- tionAL Funding to progress mrs hiLLgArth’s wAde quote whiCh FinALLY ended up At £219,000 For the exACt sAme workings As quoted BY Ar LAwrenCe’s Budget oF £105,019 - But hAVing douBLe CheCked thAt theY were 100% identi- CAL At the 23 mAY 2014 BoArd meeting she then sends An emAiL dAted 6 june 2014
sAYing: “i wouLd Like it registered thAt the estimAtes proVided Are not “Like For Like” in mY opinion. For exAmpLe wAde hAs inCLuded seVerAL things suCh As Lighting etC - whiCh Are not proVided in some oF the other quotes inCLuding the quote From A&r LAwrenCe”.
ALmost As totALLY truLY misguided As Your reCent “pigeon Boxes & meter CupBoArds” oBserVAtions ALong with Your Assumption thAt mrs hiLLgArth’s initiAL two wAde quotes in juLY 2012 And jAnuArY 2013 were the resuLt oF mY inVoLVement or pArtiCipAtion Forgetting thAt suBsequent to mrs hiLLgArth’s inFAmous “You Choose” emAiL oF 7 june 2012, i wAs ACCused oF “FiddLing” the Vote And tendered mY resignAtion From the works’ progrAmme pAssing ALL responsiBiLitY oVer to mrs hiLLgArth whose next moVe As heAd honCho wAs to progress An rtm AppLiCAtion to retAin wAde For the works, knowing FuLL weLL (or Forgotten) thAt it wAs A non stArter due to the 25% pLus Footprint oF the CommerCiAL eLement, something she hAd AdVised ALL Lessees some 36 months preViousLY? But she stiLL ConVinCed one or two Lessees to ALso Commit mentAL kAmAkAzi resuLting in her reCeipt oF An inVoiCe From mhmL For £2582.74 CoVering our time, Costs And LegAL AdViCe in FieLding her soLiCitor’s ConstAnt BArrACking For three months BeFore throwing the toweL in.
prediCtABLY, As mhmL hAd experienCed BeFore with deBts owed BY mrs hiLL- gArth she reFused to pAY And ConsequentLY mhmL simpLY doCked her deBt As we hAd done preViousLY From A pAYment due to her And her FeLLow direCtors
Please refer to attached “Addendum/Further reFerenCes” in suPPort of argument