Page 85 - The Big Begg_1
P. 85

suppLementArY report to CitY oF London poLiCe
and to the insoLVenCY serViCe
mitre house management limited (“mhml”) – company no: 07731341
mitre house, 124 King’s road, london sW3 4tP (“mitre house” or “the Property”) directors of mhml: Paul Brown-constable, dima international limited (Jamil raja) and segar Karupiah (resigned 29 september 2016) (together “the directors”).
tion of false statements contrary to section 17 of the theft act 1968. it remains unclear whether the auditor was complicit in this or whether mr Brown-constable (and/or his colleagues mr raja and mr Karupiah) were also guilty of providing false information to an auditor.
A Considered response: As weLL AdVised, CuLpABiLitY, iF AnY, on AnY ACCusA- tion, innuendo or misdemeAnour CAn Be LAid At mY door, And mY door onLY - As regArds “mr Brown-constable subsequently attempted to cover up what he had done by fal-
sifying and/or concealing information required for accounting purposes, knowing full well that the information actually provided in the service charge accounts was (to quote the theft act 1968) “misleading, false or deceptive in a material particular” is pAtent ruBBish in Light oF the FACt thAt on At LeAst three oCCAsions ALL Lessees were AdVised to AwAit puBLiCAtion oF our Ye2014 serViCe ChArge ACCounts to View peruse AnALYse ALL And AnY pAperwork, inVoiCes etC And reminded to do sAme.
A FinAL Considered response: thAt’s it, mr Begg - i’d sooner do LiFe thAn hAVe to respond to Your interminABLe queries And ACCusAtions AgAin - it’s simpLe, And on BehALF oF mY FeLLow direCtor And FeLLow shArehoLder i CAn ConFirm hAnd on heArt thAt mrs hiLLgArth did Agree to sAVings Being used For those items she sourCed From wAde & hemi - And Yes i wAnted them too And thAt’s whY i did them From the sAVings mAde or eLse theY wouLd hAVe remAined too expensiVe. i hAVen’t stoLen £28 Let ALone £28,000, mY £7500 CouLd just As eAsiLY Been the FuLL £15.572 As i did ALL the work And mY Co-direCtor And Co-shArehoLder wouLd Be the First to ConFirm, And FinALLY, iF You keep digging You’re Bound to Find twopenCe out oF pLACe But As i’Ve Bet You, it’LL Be mine....
And i mAke ALL ABoVe stAtements in good FAith And BeLieVe them 100% true, whereAs it is noted thAt on Your “pArtiCuLArs oF CLAim” You deem Fit to mAke Yet Further LiBeLLous ACCusAtions As You AppeAr to now Be signing oFF BY You stAting “| BeLieVe And the CLAimAnt (mrs hiLLgArth one presumes And hAVing Agreed to ALL points Listed one presumes) BeLieVes thAt the FACts stAted in these pArtiCuLArs oF CLAim Are true And i Am duLY Authorized BY the CLAimAnt to sign this stAtement”
You wiLL note thAt it stAtes quite CLeArLY thAt You BeLieVe (“i BeLieVe”)... meAning one presumes thAt despite prooF suppLied to You to dAte oF untruths You stiLL Consider the ACCusAtions unproVed And Are true?
And You’Ve repeAted them sinCe 23 mArCh 2016 to ALL And sundrY
i Consider thAt to Be You And Your CLient in CAhoots And LYing As mY Comments to eACh oF AnY reLeVAnt pArAgrAphs in Your “pArtiCuLArs oF CLAim” mAke CLeAr, For not the First time, nor the seCond, nor eVen the third But on muLti-
Please refer to attached “Addendum/Further reFerenCes” in suPPort of argument

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