Page 25 - Fujifilm Exposure_19 Spider_ok
P. 25

W orking on a limited bud- get we have to be a little
bit more inventive in what we do. We develop our own lighting equip-
ment such as space lights, for exam- ple, to give some gentle blue fill for the sky.
And because of the scale of the sets we use, we tend to break the light up quite a bit, so it emulates the vari- ation you would get in a big, open sky where you might have dappling through clouds. It just gives it a bit of extra texture, that takes some of the ‘model quality’ of the set away.
We also have a scene on a con- cert set, where we had to come up with our own miniature coloured stage lighting. We developed low volt- age lamps to give us that look.
There was another interior set in a bar, where we had to recreate lots of overhead lighting. In the end we used miniature microflow tubes for the flu- orescents and tiny pea bulbs for the practical lights. ■
                                   tv production

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