P. 103

  From: Subject: Date: To: Cc:
Mitre House Management Ltd
Mitre House - A Little Light Relief
27 October 2014 at 19:10
Michele Hillgarth sega, Karupiah Segar, Leoni-Sceti Maria, Riad Samya, Leigh-Pemberton Christopher,
Fortunati Diego & Susanna
 Michele -
You and some of your supposed majority (and that does NOT include Flat 4 at the last count - suggest you contact Flat 4 for clarification) couldn’t find a Nun in a Nunnery so please desist in constantly complaining and bickering, day after day, as it’s a waste of time.
If it’s NOT one thing it’s another. The minute we answer one complaint, another immediately surfaces.
Did you or did you NOT tell me to paint the lift cage the same spray paint colour as the lift doors? Did I NOT say to you I was concerned it would look rusty? Did you NOT say, NO, it’ll look lovely?
Did you NOT agree a year or two ago that you did NOT want the lift painted black when I advised you that Flat 9 wanted it painted black?
Did you NOT agree that the Tiffany lamps were lovely and preferable to Brass Candle Lanterns which Flat 9 wanted?
Did you NOT inform Management that we could not purchase the Freehold because the commercial units were in excess of 25% of the building?
Did you NOT advise your fellow majority to proceed with an RTM which has ONE SPECIAL REQUIREMENT, namely that the commercial units are NOT more than 25% of the building.
Did you request of Management permission to sub-let as required in your lease? Have you uncarpetted wooden flooring in contravention of your lease?
Have you sub-let despite Management’s warning NOT to whilst permission was required and NOT to sub-let whilst uncarpetted, all as stated in your lease.
Did you previously sub-let to a tenant (Ms Cheever) and give her permission to keep cats (unattended) in your premises, despite strict lease requirements to the contrary.
Did you give permission to your present tenant to install a satellite dish on the roof despite strict lease requirements to the contrary? You deny it, but I regret we are advised otherwise.
Did you drive previous Agents (Haywards & KFH) almost (nay, definitely) to drink with your constant barrage of complaints and refused point blank to comply to their requests that you desist. You did NOT though and now your are doing same with myself & MHML/Management.
Did you refuse to join in when a previous Communal Sky installation was mooted years ago which aborted the whole affair as it required 100% approval.
Thankfully, due to your present illegally installed tenant having a dish installed, you could NOT refuse this time - or else you would have.
Based on all above, Michele, is it any wonder that we had to remove you a a Director of MHML as your disparity, disloyalty, disruption and total disregard of normal business practices became too unacceptable but regretfully is still continuing and I have no reason to doubt it will ever end. Complaining and bitching is your metier, without doubt.
I love it. But still very confused as to your changes of mind to suit the mood.
I’m copying this to all (as indeed was your vitriolic one to me) as I’m sure they’ll be interested and most if not all points are relevant to the ongoing works affair. Will it ever end? You and your fellow virtual majority of miscreants, malcontents and malingerers will love the look of Mitre House once finished I can assure you. And yes, THAT I HAVE PREVIOUSLY CONFIRMED IN PREVIOUS EMAILS WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT.
If I’m wrong or indeed on any bullet point above (I ran out of bullets as there are so many.... and more!) , I’ll see you in court or at The Painters & Decorators, Paint Spraying, Hand Rail Removers & Artisans Anonymous Night School For Beginners (Elephant & Castle).

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