P. 127
Directors' way of management and running Mitre House, we will begin proceedings to have you removed as a Director using all the information as outlined in the attached PDF.
This includes you keeping to the obligations as laid down in your lease and reimbursing MHML £2582.74 owed for our time and costs in defending your abortive RTM.
And just so you can appreciate the reasonableness of our Fees (£4320) or indeed those of any Agent, it works out at £1.48 per hour for an 8 hour day - I'm doing it for 58p an hour and you have the audacity to insinuate that any further payments be stopped because you haven't been informed. You would have been if it was £58 an hour which is still only 25% of what a French plumber would charge. I can safely assure you that you were well advised initially that we would not be charging Agent's fees, but due totally to your troublemaking and the consequent ingratitude from your fellow majority it was decided, and advised, that we would be charging a normal fee. All due to you causing so much grief and my time in sorting/replying etc to reams of emails all of which were erroneously based on the nonsense and totally misleading information you were feeding your majority colleagues, such as supposed invalid Section 20 Notices, their supposed rights as Lessees, faux majorities, a complete ignorance over both accounting terminology and Surveyor procedures and finally the most bizarre faux pas of all, the failed RTM.
Your RTM was doomed to failure before it began due to the 25% rule, and a rule you were fully conversant with some 24 months prior to application. And you think you can run Mitre House better than we have done to date, which you'll recall has been well maintained despite a 70% reduction in Quarterly Demands, a full servicing of the Reserves with a 9 year average of £10,000 and a surplus of £1758 in 2012, followed by another surplus of £1088 in 2013 - and that's after taking our reasonable fees of £4320 in both years?
Just exactly what is your problem, Michele? I cannot believe your attitude since day one of MHML/pre and post Auction and your constant bickering at me personally all to the detriment of the other Lessees at Mitre House let alone against your fellow Directors, who, like Jamil especially, and Segar, have appreciated all that has been accomplished for the benefit of all of us, Management and Lessees, including those who were relatively new tenants and those Lessees not even living here. To accuse me/Management of jeopardising the value of individual properties by the way we have managed Mitre House is palpable nonsense. Blocks run efficiently and cheaply sell like hot cakes as opposed to those with ludicrously high Service Charges and Agents who take weeks to answer queries and requests. You should know, as that was your main complaint to our previous Agents....
I would appreciate at least an acknowledgement of receipt failing which I cannot be sure you have received and do not wish to yet again receive an email from you denying receipt etc. It's too time consuming to constantly re-source information previously sent.
Best wishes,
cc Segar Karupiah & Dima Intl. Jamil Raja
NOTE 1: it should be noted that our Surveyor's Internal Specifications do NOT include