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settlement before you dig yourself into an even deeper hole. Kind regards,
Peter Begg
From: Paul B_C [] Sent: 13 June 2017 00:51
To: Peter Begg
Subject: Re: Mitre House - Without prejudice
Dear Mr Begg - thanks for email - have a thought on the attached audio clip before we discuss further - and this letter link
On 13 Jun 2017, at 00:39, Peter Begg <> wrote: Dear Mr Brown-Constable,
I refer to your e-mail to Bruce Maunder Taylor dated 6 June 2017 timed at 17:24 which has been passed to me. In principle I am sure my client would have no objection to discussing settlement proposals, but these would have to cover both the current action in the Property Tribunal and the prospective action in the County Court. However before we embark on such a course I would be grateful if you would clarify a couple of points in your e-mail.
Your suggestion is that MHML would voluntarily cease trading and managing Mitre House from 31 December 2018 and would sell or donate to my client the Head Lease for a nominal sum. Maunder Taylor would presumably take over as Managing Agents from that date. However I do not understand why the same outcome could not be achieved – and a great deal more simply – by your simply transferring your shares in MHML. Would you be prepared to do it that way?
You do go on to say that my client could simply take over MHML for nothing to include the Head Lease once the two last standing directors resign on 31 December 2019. Do you mean 2019, or do you mean 31 December 2018 when you suggest that MHML should cease trading?
You explain that the 18 months grace period between now to the end of 2018 would give you ample time to make alternative arrangements and to move out. What assurance/security/guarantee would you be able to provide that you would indeed sell your lease and leave? I would not want to be left simply with a breach of contract claim if you failed to move within that time. Please give some thought to this.
I am happy to draw up a watertight agreement for MHML and yourself to sign, but I think that any delay in appointing a new managing agent would be unacceptable, and we would also need to have your proposals for resolving the County Court action, including my costs which have accrued over more than one year, and those of Mr Maunder Taylor. Please let me have your bullet point