P. 150
From: Samya Riad Subject: Fwd: Response of Flat 4 (Samya Riad)
Date: 19 October 2012 at 20:34
To: Paul Brown-Constable
Cc: Segar Karupiah
Dear Paul
The e-mail below, sent to everyone, including yourself, clearly documents my position regarding decorations' style and managing agents. It is clearly stated that I will go with the majority vote in relation to decorations, that the decision to appoint managing agents should be made by the four directors and that no vote was taken in the meeting. Nobody wrote to me challenging this.
Another forwarded e-mail will follow which contains my positions towards contractors and the issuing of Section 20 notice.
Having reviewed my two e-mails, I believe that my position is clear to all and I do not need to initiate any discussions with Flats 3, 5, 8 and 9, but I am ready to respond to any correspondence from them.
The next e-mail will follow. Samya
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Samya Riad <>
Date: June 28, 2012, 10:25:52 AM GMT+02:00
To: Michele Hillgarth <>, Maria Leoni-Sceti <>, Jamil Raja <>, Segar Karupiah <>, Christopher Leigh-Pemberton <>, "Diego & Susanna Fortunati" <>, Graffiti Editions Limited <>
Subject: Response of Flat 4 (Samya Riad)
Hello Everyone
I am writing to clarify to everyone my position in relation to the decorations of the common parts of Mitre House and the vote to appoint managing agents.
Firstly, I am a little saddened that the decisions relating to the decorations have been so divisive as surely what we all want is to have communal areas that look smart and reflect the nature of the building and that would hopefully enhance our quality of life and the salable/rentable value of the flats, should any of us decide to go down this route.
Provided the decorations achieve these aims, and take into account cleanliness, hygiene and other aspects of environmental health, I have no strong views as to whether it is Belle Epoque, Traditional or Contemporary and I am happy to abide with whatever is the majority vote by the other flats.
Secondly, as the headlease in now owned by a company of four directors, I think that the decision to appoint managing agents should be made by this group of people, as they have taken this responsibility formally. Should the rest of us disagree with their decision or with the way Mitre House is being run, we can seek to converse with them or have them dismissed according to proper procedure.
I will therefore not vote on the matter as sought by Michelle neither do I agree with Diego and Susanna that the vote has been decided during the meeting of the lessees on June 13. 2012. We had a long discussion about many things but I have no recollection of a formal vote being taken about anything. Should we be approached formally by Mitre House Management Ltd to take part in a vote, I would be happy to participate. Similarly, should we be approached by a formal Mitre House Residents' Association, I would also be happy to participate.
Finally, as the recent correspondence between the different lessees has demonstrated, there is a considerable amount of disagreement. My view is that until this is settled, we must adhere to proper procedure to avoid mistakes and more disagreement. Perhaps Mitre House Management Ltd would be as kind as to let us know who is our point of call now in case of queries, problems, comments and emergencies and perhaps we should consider forming a formal Residents' Association with clear responsible officers.