P. 167
£900 paid on 9 January
£900 paid on 12 March
£385 paid on 12 March
£5,275.98 paid on 2 June
£4,500 paid on 15 June
£5,000 paid on 24 June (following which £5,000 is paid by MHML to a separate account of MHML on the same day)
Lloyds Bank account No: 23434068. For example:
£4,500 paid on 7 July (following which £4,500 is paid by MHML to a separate account of MHML on the same day)
£7,500 paid on 17 July (following which £7,500 is paid by MHML to a separate account of MHML on the same day)
£900 paid on 17 July £1,250 paid on 27 August £900 on 5 October
I can see that the four payments of £900 look like quarterly payments of service charge, and that similar amounts are also paid by the other leaseholders. However the additional payments you have made amount to over £28,000 and are not made by any other leaseholder. Why have you made these payments? What were you paying for?
A Considered response: These were personal loans made by me to MHML at zero interest to adequately fund a MHML project (refurbishing flat 7) having nothing to do with the Service Charge Expense Account, to promote MHML’s interior design capabilities subsequent to MHML’s Interior re- furbishment of Mitre House and were all repaid to me by year end 2015
5. There is a Pemberton Professionals invoice No: 9931 of 30 September 2015 for £1080 for “professional services rendered in connection with a payment credited to your account in
respect of PR No 11944”. What is the explanation for this please?
A Considered response: Accountancy Fees for YE2014 paid in full
6. Some of the payments made out of MHML Account No 23433668 read oddly for a company
account kept for service charge purposes. For example:
£36.83 paid to Pizza Express on 29 January
A lunch bill for Surveyor meeting - most probably refunded
£19.55 paid for an E-Greetings card on 23 February
No idea but cannot be for one card - possibly a subscription? - most probably refunded £27 paid to the Land Registry on 17 March (actually nine payments of £3 each) Required legal documents per flat at Mitre House
£9 paid to the Land Registry on 11 May (actually three further payments of £3 each). Required legal documents per flat at Mitre House
Please clarify to what extent you have used this account for private as well as MHML corporate pur- poses.
A Considered response: None as I can recall but if any, would have bee refunded
7. In relation to the Service Charge Expense Detail Report for the year ended 31 December 2015, please explain how MHML’s charges were calculated where the work was actually carried out by you? For example in 2015 for gutter cleaning (£235), or rear yard drain cleaning (£142)? And what mark-up was applied by MHML when you purchased supplies – for example replacing mats (£164), or cleaning supplies, Screwfix etc (£195)?
A Considered response: All and any works performed by MHML or myself were done on a time and costs basis but still considerably cheaper than costs invoiced by our previous agents and cheaper than using outside contractors and any supplies bought in were not loaded.
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